When we check output of R32 (MOTION_SENSE_HIGH) we are getting Low(0 When we check output of R32 (MOTION_SENSE_HIGH) we are getting Low(0.4V) to High (3.0V) transaction for correct Motion as shown on page 3 and at same time it is connected to the Pin # 16 (PA2)of the Microcontroller, which we have defined as Input in the Software. Comparator Part number (Ref: U17) is # TLV3401IDBVR from TI. At present we have changed R71 to 22k from 47K
But when output of the R32 (MOTION_SENSE_HIGH) is connected to PIN # 14 (PA0/Wake Up Pin) of the Microcontroller using diode output drops down to the 1.9V as shown on next page. When we are connecting it to PIN # 14 (PA0/Wake Up Pin) , earlier PIN # 16 (PA2) connection remains the same and we have removed all other diodes from the board. Can you please help us to find out why the signal is dropping down to 1.9V ? Only Diode D3 is populated on the board
We are facing the same problem with the CLAP sensor , where we used the same comparator (TLV3404IPWR) as we have used for Motion sensor only difference is it as four comparator in the IC. Here when we connect NEAR_SENSE using diode D7 to the PIN # 14 (PA0/Wake Up Pin) of the microcontroller output drops to 0.4V from 3.3V