Performance of Dual-Energy Contrast-enhanced Digital Mammography for Screening Women at Increased Risk of Breast Cancer A B C In a screening setting for breast cancer, contrast agent–enhanced digital mammography (CEDM) had a cancer detection rate of 15.5 of 1000. CEDM had greater sensitivity than did two-dimensional full-field digital mammography (87.5% vs 50.0%, respectively; P = .03). For CEDM, the positive predictive value of recommended biopsy and positive predictive value of performed biopsy were both 29.4%. Images in a 64-year-old with CEDM that were false-positive for cancer. An enhancing 0.5-cm mass (arrows) is seen on the, A, mediolateral oblique, B, craniocaudal iodine-enhanced view, and, C, at MRI. MRI biopsy yielded fibroadenomatoid changes. Sung JS et al. Published Online: August 27, 2019