Synergizing Vygotsky Psychology &Technology for Teachers Professional Development Dr. R. D. PADMAVATHY Assistant Professor Department of Education Tezpur University
CELEBRATE--> REPEAT ="LIFE" PROBLEM-->SOLVE--> CELEBRATE--> REPEAT ="LIFE" Attitude Working Memory Aptitude Multiple Intelligence Growing up Digital
Learning & Development: Theoretical Position Development is independent of learning Learning is development Development is based on two inherently different but related processes each of which influences the other. All the three above said theoretical disposition do not provide an adequate view of relationship between learning and development Vygotskian Psychology
Vygotskian Psychology the human mind is constructed through a subject's interactions with the world and is an attribute of the relationship between subject and object ZONE OF PROXIMAL DEVELOPMENT
Teacher Professional Development Teacher development is the professional growth a teacher achieves as a result of gaining increased experience and examining his or her teaching systematically Broader than career development, “the growth that occurs as the teacher moves through the professional career cycle” Broader than staff development, “the provision of organized in-service programmes designed to foster the growth of groups of teachers; it is only one of the systematic interventions that can be used for teacher development
New Perspective : Professional Development 1. Based on constructivism not on a ‘transmission-oriented model’. 2. Perceived as a long-term process as it acknowledges the fact that teachers learn over time 3. It is perceived as a process that takes place within a particular context. 4. Intimately linked process of culture building and not of mere skill training which is affected by the coherence of the school programme. 5. reflective practitioner, someone who enters the profession with a certain knowledge base, and who will acquire new knowledge and experiences based on that prior knowledge. 6. conceived of as a collaborative process. 7. Professional development may look and be very different in diverse settings, and even within a single setting, it can have a variety of dimensions.
Synergizing Vygotsky Psychology and Technology: Teachers Professional Development
“Every new technology is simply an evolutionary and biological mutation, which Opens up new doors of perception and new fields of behaviour for mankind” - Marshall McLuhan(2008) Life without media is practically unimaginable
Media literacy “ Ability - Access, Analyze, Evaluate, and Communicate information in a variety of forms”. “Media literate - a boundary between one’s real world and the world, produced by media. Being media literate - getting the information and experience you want, without getting out of the media what you do not want. Then, you will be able to create your life as you want, and do not allow the media to create it as they want − on your behalf”. Potter(2012)
Comprehensive Media Literacy Education Broad-based media affects children Include training for educators Incorporate strategies for working with families MEDIA AFFECTS WHAT & HOW CHILDREN LEARN Violence Sexualisation Commercialization PSDD
21st Century - Facilitator Learning as knowledge acquisition
What My Kid Love Most? What can I do as a Parent to teach them? CARTOON ( Television , Remote) Video Games ( Car Race, New Kingdom) Movies News Paper Pictures What can I do as a Parent to teach them?
How to Use the Media to Teach Difficult subject Math is conveyed in different ways. Innumeracy's in print abound and provide subject matter for rich classroom discussions. Challenging problems appear in the newspaper regularly.
Essential quality of Mathematics learning Mental Skill Cognitive Skills Problem Solving Behaviour Physical Coordination & Self Esteem
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