Welcome to... Internet Squares A Game of X’s and O’s
Ivana Winn Dewey Cheatum Seymour Money Sand E. Beaches Ima B. Utiful 1 2 3 Ivana Winn Dewey Cheatum Seymour Money Sand E. Beaches Ima B. Utiful Lee V. Mediately Craven Sumfood Anita Hugginkiss Starring: Phil R. Up 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 2 3 X 4 5 6 O 7 8 9 Scoreboard Click Here if X Wins Click Here if O Wins
1 Was put on trial for criticizing the governor of New York in 1734; his lawyer argued that he had freedom of the press
1 John Peter Zenger Home
First document that limited the king’s power in England 2 First document that limited the king’s power in England
2 Magna Carta Home
Name one power denied to Congress under the Articles of Confederation 3 Name one power denied to Congress under the Articles of Confederation
3 Tax or enforce laws Home
4 Who wrote Common Sense?
4 Thomas Paine Home
5 What phrase did colonists use to argue that England didn’t have the power to tax them?
“No taxation without representation” 5 “No taxation without representation” Home
Who had the first direct democracy? 6 Who had the first direct democracy?
6 Athens, Greece Home
7 What document explained the reasons why America was breaking free from England?
Declaration of Independence 7 Declaration of Independence Home
8 Who stated that people have natural rights that cannot be taken away by government?
8 John Locke Home
Who had the world’s first republic? 9 Who had the world’s first republic?
9 Rome Home