Technology & Design The following GCSE Focused Tasks are just a small sample recently taken from a number of WELB schools. However I realise that there are many other schools in our Board that have also produced excellent coursework! If you wish to share this work please do not hesitate to contact me and I will arrange to get it photographed and displayed. We all will be much richer by sharing our ideas which undoubtedly leads to quality learning experiences. May I take this opportunity to thank all those teachers who have contributed to this display and who are willingly sharing their ideas and excellent practice to benefit all. RA Moffatt WELB Technology Education Centre WELB
KS 4 GCSE Focused Tasks Dean Maguirc College: HOD Des Smyth. Excellent exemplar GCSE coursework which in most cases is compact and achievable to most! A Theme should be considered for the communication Focused Task. WELB GCSE Focused Tasks 2004 Images scanned by D. McGarvey Presentation by RA Moffatt.
NB: A 2D drawing will not obtain full marks NB: A 2D drawing will not obtain full marks! Also, shown is a relatively simplistic sketch in 3D.
A clever selection which is quite easy to sketch.
Selection/Selection/Selection???? Do you think this item is easy to draw?