Royal Leamington Spa Neighbourhood Development Plan 2029
What is a Neighbourhood Plan Grass roots tier for the planning system Instigated by local community Part of the statutory Development Plan In lieu of Parish Plan Not a statutory requirement Non prescriptive – can address a single theme with a few policies or cover a range of issues No right of veto on wider strategic development needs Need to conform to national and local planning policies Once adopted material consideration for assessing planning applications which carries significant weight
Statutory plan gives you more influence and control over development in the area
What’s in a Neighbourhood Plan? Objectives to meet the vision of the Plan Policies to achieve the objectives Explanatory text to support the policies Policies can include areas such as: Housing and employment allocations, housing mix to meet community needs Protection of important community facilities and promoting new ones Protection of open spaces, playing fields and greens Drainage and flood prevention High quality design, conservation of historical assets Promotion of walking and cycling routes Protection of allotments and promotion of new growing space Renewable energy
Neighbourhood Planning Process Designation Prepare the plan Formal Consultation (8 weeks) Revise Plan Submit Plan Warwick D.C Warwick D.C. Consult for 6 weeks Examination Referendum Plan made
Finding space to plan in a crowded policy environment…
Our Vision “Royal Leamington Spa’s vibrant and diverse history gives our town its unique character and distinctive identity. It has become a thriving base of creative, cultural and technological innovation whilst nurturing its valued green spaces and community assets. Looking to our future, we will continue to conserve and protect our built heritage whilst promoting enhancements which allow us to reduce our impact on climate change, support sustainable economic development, build innovative housing, support effective integrated transport systems and contribute to a healthy town.”
Scope and agree policy areas
Housing and Development Business Support/Town Centre Our Key Themes Housing and Development Community and Culture Green Spaces and Parks Roads and Transport Business Support/Town Centre
Our Key Themes Each Theme supported by objectives which are delivered through a policy Policy statements are supported by a background/justification Where an objective is dependent on actions outside the scope of the Plan, these will be identified and progressed as supporting actions
Leamington Spa Neighbourhood Plan Consultation Date Activity September 2016 Stakeholder engagement (businesses, community groups, local interest groups, councillors) November 2016 Creation of Steering Group January 2017 Public launch event May/June 2017 Public drop-in sessions June/August 2017 Attendance at 4 community events November 2017 Web site launched January/February 2018 Stakeholder/Steering Group Theme Workshops June/August 2018 Attendance at 5 community events August-December 2018 Local Green Space Designation Working Group outreach work. February – March 2019 Pre Draft Consultation – 14 drop in sessions at Community Venues June -August 2019 Regulation 14 Consultation Launched – Attendance at 4 Community events
What Next? Independent Check Submit draft plan to LPA together with: A map or statement confirming the Neighbourhood Area The proposed Neighbourhood Development Plan (along with all the supporting evidence) A consultation statement to explain who and how people and organisations were consulted, any issues and concerns they raised, and how these were addressed A statement explaining how the plan has met the ‘basic conditions’
What Next - Independent Check LPA publicise proposals for 6 weeks and invites comment Independent examiner appointed (paid for by LPA) Appointment must be agreed with the Parish Council: Independent no interest in the land appropriate qualifications and experience Usually only considers written representations Examiner may choose to hold a public hearing if: needs to explore an issue in more detail to give someone a chance to have their say
Community Referendum LPA will then publish examiners report and their decision whether to put the plan to a referendum LPA will organise (and pay for) the referendum No minimum turnout A majority of people voting must support the plan (50% +1) Electoral Commission Rules on voting apply Referendum Question: “Do you want Warwick District Council to use the Leamington Spa Neighbourhood Development Plan for the Parish to help it decide planning applications in the Neighbourhood Area?”