May 2015 doc.: IEEE 802.11-15/0496r1 August 2019 IEEE 802.15 TG13 Multi-Gbit/s Optical Wireless Communication To-Do-List-for-WGLB Date: 2019-08-28 Author: Volker Jungnickel (Fraunhofer HHI) Edward Au (Marvell Semiconductor)
May 2015 doc.: IEEE 802.11-15/0496r1 August 2019 Abstract This presentation contains the IEEE 802.15 TG13 Multi- Gbit/s Optical Wireless Communication To-Do-List in preparation of the working group letter ballot. Volker Jungnickel (Fraunhofer HHI) Edward Au (Marvell Semiconductor)
List of TBDs Clause 1-3 Editorial Clause 4: May 2015 doc.: IEEE 802.11-15/0496r1 August 2019 List of TBDs Clause 1-3 Editorial Clause 4: Broadcast topology: How to signal to the devices MIMO at the device side (also to be worked into Clauses 5, 6, 7) Full duplex (also to be worked into Clauses 5, 6, 7) Security Coexistence Clock rate and MCS selection Volker Jungnickel (Fraunhofer HHI) Edward Au (Marvell Semiconductor)
List of TBDs Clause 5: References to tables etc. are missing May 2015 doc.: IEEE 802.11-15/0496r1 August 2019 List of TBDs Clause 5: References to tables etc. are missing Interframe spaces and turn-around times OWPAN ID is now 48 bit address Autentification can be removed MCS request to be defined in PM PHY like table 51 for and LB PHYs BAT request to include block size in HB PHYs (Lennert) Rank request to be defined for MIMO (Tuncer) Add 5.9 for MIMO (Tuncer) Volker Jungnickel (Fraunhofer HHI) Edward Au (Marvell Semiconductor)
List of TBDs Clause 6 Auxiliary security header Auxiliary address May 2015 doc.: IEEE 802.11-15/0496r1 August 2019 List of TBDs Clause 6 Auxiliary security header Auxiliary address Element numbering Advanced modulation control element (Tuncer) Support for devices with multiple optical frontends (Tuncer) Poll frame requirements „shall“ apply only for NBE MAC mode Element ID to be decided GTS request element (Lennert, needs some calculations) Supported MCS element Check the fields for random access element Probe request element, what is mandatory/optional Volker Jungnickel (Fraunhofer HHI) Edward Au (Marvell Semiconductor)
List of TBDs Clause 7 MCPS priority May 2015 doc.: IEEE 802.11-15/0496r1 August 2019 List of TBDs Clause 7 MCPS priority PIB attributes for security and energy detection threshold Turnaround time constant Discuss capabilities and which are mandatory/optional Clause 8 Remove any content related to security from draft Clause 9 PHY constants PHY PIB attributes OFE capabilities Table stating MaxPSDUSize for each PHY Volker Jungnickel (Fraunhofer HHI) Edward Au (Marvell Semiconductor)
List of TBDs All PHYs Create table for index of MCS May 2015 doc.: IEEE 802.11-15/0496r1 August 2019 List of TBDs All PHYs Create table for index of MCS What is mandatory, what optional Turnaround times for short control packets (shortest block length, lowest MCS in payload) MIMO-RS index mapping table Check numbering of octets and bits in the header again Clause 10 (PM PHY): See all PHYs Clause 11 (LB PHY) Check if LB PHY is still consistent with new MAC needs Volker Jungnickel (Fraunhofer HHI) Edward Au (Marvell Semiconductor)
List of TBDs Clause 12 : See all PHYs May 2015 doc.: IEEE 802.11-15/0496r1 August 2019 List of TBDs Clause 12 : See all PHYs What masking of subcarriers is used for LC TBDs in first table (subcarriers/upshifts from G.hn2) Contact ITU-T to reserve one frame type for 802.15.13 MAC Reserve core part for these FTs for surther use Define FTSF for any information needed to decode the packet at the PHY Eventually also use text and figures for 802.15.13 Overall Procedure: Clean document from all previous changes. Then discuss technical items in the list and make changes. After changes are done, the document is closed. Volker Jungnickel (Fraunhofer HHI) Edward Au (Marvell Semiconductor)
List of resolved TBDs Broadcast topology Security Basic PHY modes MIMO May 2015 doc.: IEEE 802.11-15/0496r1 August 2019 List of resolved TBDs Broadcast topology Coordinator uses BC MAC address Security Not in PAR, will not be supported by 802.15.13 MAC and PHY use higher layer techniques (e.g. IPSEC) Basic PHY modes For PM-PHY, use the 12.5 MHz mode as basic mode. For LB-PHY, use 1 MHz mode as basic mode. For HB-PHY, use 50 MHz mode as basic mode. MIMO Tuncer to provide missing text for clauses 5, 6, 7 Full duplex Volker Jungnickel (Fraunhofer HHI) Edward Au (Marvell Semiconductor)
List of resolved TBDs Clock rate selection procedure May 2015 doc.: IEEE 802.11-15/0496r1 August 2019 List of resolved TBDs Clock rate selection procedure Start beacon and association in basic mode Available clock rates become part of the MCS table supported [TODO in PHY] Exchange possible MCS tables during association [MAC extend for PM-PHY MCS] Every packet starts with preamble and header in basic mode [in every PHY] Lowest common mode is selected for the payload [reference to OCR selection in each PHY]. Volker Jungnickel (Fraunhofer HHI) Edward Au (Marvell Semiconductor)