All About the Digestive System By: Awesome people!
Major Organs Salivary Glands: release mucus for lubrication and amylase Pharynx: swallows food Esophagus: tube that transports food to stomach Epiglottis: covers respiratory tract during swallowing Stomach: stores food also initiates digestive proteins Kills bacteria with strong acid Makes chyme
More Organs Small Intestine : takes out water so it can become compact Large intestine: absorbs more water and adds electrolytes and vitamins Liver: produces proteins and breaks down old blood cells Gallbladder: stores bile Pancreas: puts digs juice in the small intestine everyday Rectum: stores and expels feces
How it works with other Systems Circulatory System: it helps get absorbed nutrients distributed through your body Excretory system: controls amount of water in your body
What does the digestive system do? The Digestive System breaks down food into nutrients to provide energy for cells in the body.
Diseases Gastroesophagael Reflux Disease (GERD) Sever heart burn (weakness of valve between esophagus and stomach Dysphagia Difficulty swallowing Peritonitis Inflammation of the lining of the abdominal cavity