What makes your style unique? Communication Style What makes your style unique? Every person is unique. We generally communicate in four different styles, although usually a dominant style will surface. Each style has value—there is no right or wrong.
Why is communication important? Why is it important for you to know how you communicate? Why is communication important? All relationships thrive on understanding.
Most like me Next most Somewhat Least like me I am: Direct Competitive Assertive Enthusiastic Talkative Impulsive Loyal Agreeable Structured Organized Careful Exacting Others describe me as: Impatient Convincing Patient Analytical I prefer to be given directives with: No parameters Lots of freedom Specifics All the details I need: Constant challenge People Stability Organization My value to the team is: Results Ideas Harmony Quality control My phone style is: Rushed Personal/chatty Warm Cautious My listening style is: Selective Weak Excellent Okay I am irritated by: Inefficiency and indecision Too many details Pushy people Mistakes When angry, I: Go to the top Get sarcastic Give in Document I want others to be: Brief and to the point Friendly Fair Accurate Totals: My primary style: My secondary style:
LION RABBIT LAMB OWL I am: Direct Competitive Assertive Enthusiastic Talkative Impulsive Loyal Agreeable Structured Organized Careful Exacting Others describe me as: Impatient Convincing Patient Analytical I prefer to be given directives with: No parameters Lots of freedom Specifics All the details I need: Constant challenge People Stability Organization My value to the team is: Results Ideas Harmony Quality control My phone style is: Rushed Personal/chatty Warm Cautious My listening style is: Selective Weak Excellent Okay I am irritated by: Inefficiency and indecision Too many details Pushy people Mistakes When angry, I: Go to the top Get sarcastic Give in Document I want others to be: Brief and to the point Friendly Fair Accurate Totals:
Lion You are a possibilities thinker. In the workplace you may appear rushed and somewhat abrupt, as you want people to get to the point quickly when there is a task to be accomplished. Lion You are a possibilities thinker.
Rabbit You are very animated, energetic and spontaneous. In the workplace, you sometimes have difficulty listening to directives or concerns as you are busy talking and developing rapport because of your relationship orientation. Rabbit You are very animated, energetic and spontaneous.
Lamb You blend well with all the other styles. In the workplace your main focus is nurturing relationships, and you may have difficulty standing up for yourself, as you avoid conflict whenever possible. Lamb You blend well with all the other styles.
Owl You are the most private of all the styles. In the workplace you are often not understood or are misunderstood, because you may be overly concerned with accomplishing an error-free task. Owl You are the most private of all the styles.
Extrovert Lion Rabbit Owl Lamb Task People Introvert
1. Name four things that drive you crazy working with people: _____________________________ _____________________________ 1. Name four things that drive you crazy working with people: 2. Describe your ideal treatment from team members:
Which style is most frustrating? Lion? Rabbit? Which style is most frustrating for you to deal with and why? Owl? Lamb?
4. How can you modify your style to be more effective? Lion: Give them options. Rabbit: Ask about their personal life—reiterate. Lamb: Be specific and clear—feel them out. Owl: Slow down—focus on details.