Ruth After the story
“Family is designed to be a safe haven, sometimes, it’s the place we find the deepest heartache”
The People in Jesus’ family Five women listed in that day and time Many of the women mentioned were not Consider the women Tamar tricked her father-in-law (Genesis 38) Rahab was a prostitute from Jericho (Joshua 2) “By her” (Matthew 1:6) Bathsheba Ruth the Moabite
What does this mean?
People outside were brought into the family of Jesus It doesn’t matter what you have done Stop getting wrapped up in yesterday and do what you need to do now We are all in God’s family because of His grace Because of Jesus
The Promise of Jesus’ family The promise of the Messiah took generations to fulfill Jesus was the “Son of Abraham” This promise goes back to Genesis 12:3 The inter Testament time of 400 years no prophet or voice from God We cannot judge God by our colander
God’s plan is not on our time You may feel God haas forgotten you Remember Ruth in the days judges ruled God was involved but not involved She walked by faith by leaving home and joining the family of God
Jesus’ family teaches us that a God is in control Hope in the future like Ruth The gift of family