Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) for Veterinary Service Delivery Barbara Wieland, ILRI HEARD Project Stakeholder Workshop−PPP Models for Veterinary Service Delivery, ILRI, Addis Ababa, 20 June 2019 There MUST be a CGIAR logo or a CRP logo. You can copy and paste the logo you need from the final slide of this presentation. Then you can delete that final slide To replace a photo above, copy and paste this link in your browser: Find a photo you like and the right size, copy and paste it in the block above.
Introductions MoA Somali Region Amhara Region Oromia Region Private Sector Public Sector NGO Education/extension
Overall objectives HEARD Increase sustainable livestock productivity and improve the marketing of livestock products Strengthen the quality of public and private veterinary services and delivery through creation of an enabled and rationalized environment Improving the technical competences (knowledge, skills and attitudes) and incentives for veterinary service providers to deliver better and rationalized services 2.1. Veterinary Service delivery: Pilot the veterinary service rationalization roadmap Improving the food safety of primary products of animal origin and better control of zoonotic diseases achieved
PPP Public-private partnership
Process Gaps in Vet Service Identify PPP solutions Capacity development Enabling environment Define PPP Define PPP Define PPP Define PPP Define PPP Test PPP Test PPP Test PPP Test PPP Test PPP Evaluate Evaluate Stakeholder engagement Evaluate Evaluate Evaluate Regulatory framework Document Document Document Document Document PPP models that work Guidelines and training materials for scaling
PPPs to address gaps in vet service delivery in Ethiopia Aim: this workshop aims to discuss and prioritise identified gaps in veterinary service delivery in Ethiopia and identify possible public-private partnership models to address these Objectives: Understand PPP typologies Map gaps to possible PPP typologies Agree on way forward in defining and setting up PPPs
Time Sessions 08:30 am Registration 08.45 am Objectives, agenda and introductions 09:15 am Critical gaps in veterinary service delivery in Ethiopia 09.30 am Experiences of PPP from Kenya Experiences of PPP from Ethiopia PPP experience from Mekelle The use of mobile apps to support diagnosis A. L.P.H.A. (Business Development in the animal health sector) 11:00 am Coffee Break 11.30 am PPP models experiences from OIE 12:30 pm Lunch 1:30pm Group work 1: 03:00 pm Coffee 03.20 pm Group work 2: 4.30 pm Final words – the way forward
Review gaps
Group work
PPP Transactional: Collaborative: Transformative: Government procurement of a specific AH/sanitary service from private vet service providers, initiated and funded by public sector Collaborative: Joint commitment between public sector and end-beneficiaries (p.e. producer association)) to delivery mutually agreed policies/outcomes Transformative: Establishment of a sustainable capability to deliver otherwise unattainable major programmes, often initiated by private sector Page 12/13
Group work The aim of this session is to review the gaps and discuss which of these possibly can be addressed through a PPP Review the vet service gaps and select those for which you think a PPP model is appropriate (you can make notes on the sheet with the gap, consult OIE handbook for examples) To which PPP typology would each PPP fit? Put the gap up to the respective pin board
Group 2 The aim of this session is to move towards planning of a PPP (each group selects two examples) What are the expected benefits of each of the selected PPP? Who needs to be involved (in each)? What are the roles of the key partners involve? What resources are needed?
Health of Ethiopian Animals for Rural Development (HEARD) EU11th EDF – NIP ETH - FED/2015/038-008