Eurostat Flagship publication on cities Lupu Iuliana EUROSTAT, E4
Steering Committee: • 20 November 2015: adoption of the table of content • 20 January 2016: adoption of detailed chapter plans • 18 March 2016: test chapter & title of the publication • June 2016: adoption of the text & final title
Recent developments: 1) Revision of excel files containing the data for tables, graphs and maps: consultation of different units in Eurostat and DG REGIO; Main recommendations: careful and consistent use of terminology (especially concerning the territorial typologies); improvement of data presentation; correction of some data. 2) (Provisional) Title of the publication: "Urban Europe – statistics on cities, towns and suburbs" 3) Production of maps:
40 maps (standard and non-standard) produced by GISCO team
Table of content Executive summary 1. Introduction PART A. CITY AND URBAN DEVELOPMENTS 2. The urban paradox 3. Patterns of urban and city developments 4. The dominance of capital cities 5. Smart cities 6. Green cities 7. Tourism and culture in cities PART B. PEOPLE AND LIFE IN CITIES 8. Living in cities 9. Working in cities 10. Housing in cities 11. Foreign-born persons in cities 12. Poverty and social exclusion in cities 13. Satisfaction and quality of life in cities
Executive summary: the most important and interesting findings / conclusion of the chapters - More than half the world’s population is living in urban areas -Many cities in the EU are characterised by their urban paradoxes - The spatial distribution of urban areas across EU Member States is extremely varied -In most EU Member States, the capital city tends to outperform other cities and regions -Young people tend to live in the suburbs of some of the largest cities in the EU - Foreign-born populations in the EU tend to congregate in relatively few, large cities …
Chapter 1: Introduction: It contains a set of contextual and background information: -background information on urban development policies at a global level; - information relating to the European policy context; - methodological information outlining some of the key concepts and territorial typologies applied to European statistics on urban territories; -background information relating to the presentation of data, Eurostat’s online databases and access to other online resources.
Test chapter "The urban paradox"
Data Different data sources and territorial levels: - Cities: Urban Audit, Perception Survey - Metropolitan regions: population, national accounts, - Degrees of urbanisation: EU-SILC, LFS - Urban–rural typology: population, national accounts, - Regional statistics (NUTS 3): Census data, Population
Big data: Data from mobile operator (Sl) – on day-time and night-time population distribution
Big data : Page views of Wikipedia articles related to world heritage sites located in cities
What remains to be done: • 9 May: draft text delivered by Informa • 6-27 May: revision of the draft text (EUROSTAT and DG REGIO). • 10 June: final text • 20 June: uploading the text in SE • 1 July: Eurostat validates the SE articles • 20 July: PDF version • 5 August: checking the PDF version (E4 together with B4) • August: final PDF version • September: printed publication
Some examples
Some examples
Other related events: • News release on the urban paradox: 30 May 2016 • development of a visualisation tool: "My capital city in a bubble"
Thank you for your attention!