Aggressors Invade Unit 7, SSWH 17 f
Militarists Take Control of Japan Want to solve economic problems through expansion (invading) 1931, Japanese army seizes Manchuria League of Nations protests action; Japan withdraws from League
Japan Invades China 1937, Japan launches war on China “Asia for the Asians”, trying to kick out foreigners
Mussolini Attacks Ethiopia 1935, Italy attacks Ethiopia Ethiopia’s leader, Halie Selassie, asks League for help League of Nations does not stop aggression, gives Italy a fine.
Hitler Defies Versailles Treaty 1935, Hitler rebuilds German army 1936, Germany occupies Rhineland Britain urges appeasement, a policy of giving into aggression Germany, Italy, and Japan = the Axis Powers (alliance)
Civil War Erupts in Spain 1936, General Francisco Franco leads rebellion Hitler & Mussolini help Franco (sent weapons) 1939, Franco wins Civil War Franco becomes Spain’s Fascist dictator
U.S.A. = Isolationist Policy Isolationism—avoidance of political ties with other countries 1935, Congress passes Neutrality Acts
German Reich (Empire) Expands Hitler plans to expand Third Reich—German Empire 1938, Hitler annexes (adds) Austria Hitler demands the Sudeten-land from Czechoslovakia Czechs refuse, ask France for help
Brit. & France Choose Appeasement Leaders meet at Munich Conf. to settle Czech crisis Britain & France agree to let Hitler take Sudetenland 1939, Hitler takes rest of Czechoslovakia Mussolini takes Albania; Hitler demands part of Poland
Nazis & Soviets Sign Nonaggression Pact 1939, Stalin (soviet leader) & Hitler pledge never to attack one another (divide up Poland)