BioGeomancer: Semi-automated Georeferencing Engine John Wieczorek, Aaron Steele, Dave Neufeld, P. Bryan Heidorn, Robert Guralnick, Reed Beaman, Chris Frazier, Paul Flemons, Nelson Rios, Greg Hill, Youjun Guo
Locality Interpretation Methods All of these projects/institutions contribute to how BioGeomancer understands localities (using regular expression analysis or machine learning/natural language processing): Tulane - GEOLocate Yale - BioGeomancer Classic U. Illinois, Urbana-Champagne Inxight Software, Inc.
Locality Types F – feature P – path FO – offset from a feature, sans heading FOH – offset from feature at a heading FO+ – orthogonal offsets from a feature FPOH – offset at a heading from a feature along a path 31 other locality types known so far Types of localities BG recognizes
Five Most Common Locality Types* 51.0% - feature 21.4% - locality not recorded 17.6% - offset from feature at a heading 8.6% - path 5.8% - undefined *based on 500 records randomly selected from the 296k records georeferenced manually in the MaNIS Project.
Types of Data BG Uses BG has 11 million entries in the gazetteer User created places = 112,000 1.5 million localities were georeferenced, for 6.2 million georeferences (so on average 4 georeferences per locality) 500 login users, 6,000 projects done ORNIS did 189k localities in BG batch processing