M O O N S H O T Is Where Magic Happens
Project Aim: Objective: RECENT WORK ASSESSMENT OF PROGRESS FUTURE OF WORK TOR REVIEW ACQUIRE DEPLOY Project Aim: To develop a vibrant Moon-shot innovation ecosystem, culture and practices to further our readiness for the future. Objective: To create a paradigm Moon-shot shift in DCAS innovation ecosystem 1- Soft component: INNOVATION CULTURE 2- Hard component: INNOVATION SYSTEMS 3- FUTURE
Project Progress based on TRADE METHODOLOGY Project Progress Summary: RECENT WORK ASSESSMENT OF PROGRESS FUTURE OF WORK TOR REVIEW ACQUIRE DEPLOY Project Progress based on TRADE METHODOLOGY TOR Review Acquire Deploy Evaluate 1 2 3 4 5 Project Progress Summary: 16th Jan 2019 -13th Mar 2019 17th Mar 2019 -01st May 2019 20-May-2019 -01-Sep-2019 By 28th Nov 2019 By 10th Dec 2019 221 28 58 HRs 48 HRs 115 HRs 7 6 15 Cost Variables Cost Spent this stage Labour 5,800 $ Expenses - Capital Total Cost Spent this stage 4,800 $ Cost Spent this stage 11,500 $ 11,500$ Cost Spent this stage Cost Spent this stage Total 22,100 $
Benchmarking facilitator RECENT WORK ASSESSMENT OF PROGRESS FUTURE OF WORK TOR REVIEW ACQUIRE DEPLOY Muayyad Abu Mallouh Benchmarking facilitator Asma Y. Zainal Deputy Team Leader Dr. Ayesha H. Al Mutawa Team Leader H.E. Khalifa Al Darrai Project Sponsor- CEO Majid Al Zarouni Team Member Bashayer AlAli Team Member Asma R. Dad Team Member Ahlam Al Ammari Team Member
Team Management & stakeholders: RECENT WORK ASSESSMENT OF PROGRESS FUTURE OF WORK TOR REVIEW ACQUIRE DEPLOY Team Management & stakeholders: Total of (28) formal & informal meetings. Total of (3) meeting with sponsor/leadership team. Team communication via WhatsApp group. Group email. Shared folder Stakeholder group pic WhatsApp Group Shared Folder
Review current status of innovation eco-system. RECENT WORK ASSESSMENT OF PROGRESS FUTURE OF WORK TOR REVIEW ACQUIRE DEPLOY Review current status of innovation eco-system. Conduct innovation maturity diagnostic lab. Asses current suggestion scheme. Asses current innovation training programs Conduct gap analysis & review existing reports (TS, DGEP, SWOT, Fishbone, TRADE feedback). Membership proposal of international collaboration.
Areas of findings: RECENT WORK ASSESSMENT OF PROGRESS FUTURE OF WORK TOR REVIEW ACQUIRE DEPLOY Areas of findings: Leadership Strategic Planning People Culture Processes Tools & technique Training Facilities Metrics Ideas capture Ideas management
Key performance indicators: RECENT WORK ASSESSMENT OF PROGRESS FUTURE OF WORK TOR REVIEW ACQUIRE DEPLOY Key performance indicators: PMR No. Category Name of measure Performance prior to implementation (2018) Date initial performance data was collected After implementation target Record performance after implementation 1 month 3 months 6 months 9 months 1 year 2 years 3 years 1 LEADERSHIP 100% leadership Approval of Innovation charter 07/01/2019 2 Number of recognitions and rewards for innovators 3 23/07/2019 10 Number of leadership meetings related to innovation ecosystem 6 4 STRATEGIC PLANNING 100% finalization of DCAS innovation strategy 100% 5 100% completion of DCAS Innovation Framework 100% completion of DCAS core innovation policies 7 PEOPLE Number of innovation labs conducted 05/05/2019 8 Number of awareness sessions on Innovation 9 CULTURE Number of innovation environment surveys Percentage of positive change in innovation ecosystem through diagnostic survey 10% increase 11 Number of entries / participation in Innovation awards 12 Percentage improvement of Innovation maturity 45 32.7
Key performance indicators: RECENT WORK ASSESSMENT OF PROGRESS FUTURE OF WORK TOR REVIEW ACQUIRE DEPLOY Key performance indicators: PMR No. Category Name of measure Performance prior to implementation (2018) Date initial performance data was collected After implementation target Record performance after implementation 1 month 3 months 6 months 9 months 1 year 2 years 3 years 13 PROCESSES Number of new Innovation processes developed 06/04/2019 5 14 Number of reviewed innovation process 2 1 15 TOOLS AND TECHNIQUES Number of new innovation tools generated 23/07/2019 16 TRAINING Number of specialized training on innovation 37 29/07/2019 40 17 FACILITIES Number of innovation labs 18 IDEAS CAPTURE Number of innovative ideas 10 19 Increase in number of employees submitting ideas 198 out of 1528 300 20 IDEAS MANAGEMENT Number of innovative suggestions 30 21 % of innovative ideas from total ideas submitted (half yearly) 22 METRICS Number innovation standards adopted 05/05/2019
Expected Non-Financial Benefits Expected Financial Benefits RECENT WORK ASSESSMENT OF PROGRESS FUTURE OF WORK TOR REVIEW ACQUIRE DEPLOY Financial & non-financial benefits Expected Non-Financial Benefits Expected Financial Benefits Improvement in innovation maturity assessment score from 45% to 64% Increase innovation ROI by 10% Number of innovative ideas supporting efficiency . Enhance savings as a result of implementing innovative ideas to 25 % Percentage of employees having access to general and specialized innovation awareness/ education/ training Indirect: Employees engagement and less turnover – cost saving Increase number of ideas – increase ROI Direct : Most of the general innovation trainings are free (government platforms)- training cost saving No of experiments. R&D, Publications 1. number of publications per AED 1000 invested, 2. number of patent applications per AED 1000 invested Number of innovation labs 20% Cost saving as a result of implementing ideas to improve processes and services Number of innovative Ideas implemented ROI on the implementation of innovative ideas and re-designing current services. Cost saving No of prototypes/ Business models Enhance financial returns from innovative products /prototypes by 10% Number of IPs obtained . Percentage increase in income generated Income from use of intellectual property (IP)
Conducted Team meeting to decide criteria for benchmarking. RECENT WORK ASSESSMENT OF PROGRESS FUTURE OF WORK TOR REVIEW ACQUIRE DEPLOY Conducted Team meeting to decide criteria for benchmarking. Defined scope to be benchmarked. Researched potential partners. Reviewed desktop research from provided COER. Select and approve partners. Reminded our team of benchmarking COC.
Partners selection table Best Practice search form RECENT WORK ASSESSMENT OF PROGRESS FUTURE OF WORK TOR REVIEW ACQUIRE DEPLOY Partners selection table Best Practice search form
Benchmarking partners selection area: RECENT WORK ASSESSMENT OF PROGRESS FUTURE OF WORK TOR REVIEW ACQUIRE DEPLOY Benchmarking partners selection area: Training programs Innovation KPIs A roadmap for transforming an organisational culture into a thriving innovation ecosystem Ideas management systems & processes Organizational innovation measurement Innovation recognition and rewarding systems
Moonshot to benchmarking visits : RECENT WORK ASSESSMENT OF PROGRESS FUTURE OF WORK TOR REVIEW ACQUIRE DEPLOY Moonshot to benchmarking visits : Improvement Ideas & Best Practices Form
Revised and created an Innovation strategy draft. RECENT WORK ASSESSMENT OF PROGRESS FUTURE OF WORK TOR REVIEW ACQUIRE DEPLOY Revised and created an Innovation strategy draft. Developed Innovation framework draft. Drafted number of innovation related policies. Conducted an internal innovation awareness lab. Shared results of suggestion scheme evaluation with leadership.
1 2 RECENT WORK ASSESSMENT OF PROGRESS FUTURE OF WORK TOR REVIEW ACQUIRE DEPLOY Leadership support. Inspire DCAS teams Gap assessment Guidance of COER experts and DGEP team. Plan is moving according to schedule. Access to resources Potential partners 1 2 Time management Setting KPIs. Tracking financial benefits. Experimenting with tools.
Narrowing Benchmarking partners RECENT WORK ASSESSMENT OF PROGRESS FUTURE OF WORK TOR REVIEW ACQUIRE DEPLOY Project Time lines Narrowing Benchmarking partners Project Challenges: Team Commitment Creating Awareness Time management Budget Project scope
RECENT WORK ASSESSMENT OF PROGRESS FUTURE OF WORK TOR REVIEW ACQUIRE DEPLOY Finalize benchmarking visits. Ensure functional ideas management Keep team and stakeholders engaged Draft Moonshot master plan and get sign off Internal knowledge summit at DCAS