Using Technology to Shepherd Your People -SESSIONS 1 & 2- Using Technology to Shepherd Your People Scott Miller, Marc Bellah & Mark Wampler
Welcome to the Using Technology to Shepherd Your People Breakout! Before we begin, please text ”data” to 40585 and fill out a short survey. USING TECHNOLOGY TO SHEPHERD YOUR PEOPLE
Can you say the same about your church? Why Data Matters Amazon, Google, and Facebook invest time and energy in order to put the next best thing in front of you, their customer. Using information, they steward people well. Can you say the same about your church? USING TECHNOLOGY TO SHEPHERD YOUR PEOPLE
How Data is Gathered Historical data from other sources Access Excel Pen and paper Manual Data Entry Member Survey Registrations Check-in/Attendance Notes Visitor Cards Prayer Requests Questions to ask: What is known? What needs to be known? USING TECHNOLOGY TO SHEPHERD YOUR PEOPLE
How Data is Managed Systems Data integrity Security Trust is currency Questions to ask: Is our data accurate? Is our data secure? USING TECHNOLOGY TO SHEPHERD YOUR PEOPLE
Who? Members Non-members Demographics Life stage Age Gender Etc. Question to ask: Are we thinking through all of the various people and people groups involved? USING TECHNOLOGY TO SHEPHERD YOUR PEOPLE
So What? Engagement Attendance Giving/Financial Data Question to ask: How should we deploy the information we have? USING TECHNOLOGY TO SHEPHERD YOUR PEOPLE