1 ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Suite of Assessments Sabrina Read, WIDA Florida ACCESS Manager Bureau of K–12 Student Assessment 2018 Annual Statewide Assessment Meeting August 29, 2018
–2018 ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Suite of Assessments Results Florida’s 2017–2018 English Language Learner (ELL) population: 289, ,534 ELLs were assessed on all four test domains (Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing) during the Spring 2018 administration 23% of ELLs were proficient in English on ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 (Grades K–12) 63% of ELLs were proficient in English on Alternate ACCESS for ELLs (Grades 1–12)
3 English Language Proficiency Criteria ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 (Grades K–12) English language proficiency criteria requires a student to achieve a Composite Overall English Language Proficiency Level of 4.0 or greater AND at least a Proficiency Level of 4.0 in the Reading test domain. Alternate ACCESS for ELLs (Grades 1–12) English language proficiency criteria require a student to achieve a Composite Overall English Language Proficiency Level of P1 or greater.
4 Spring 2018 ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 and Alternate ACCESS for ELLs Student Results For the comprehensive Spring 2018 ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 and Alternate ACCESS for ELLs student results, please visit the following link: Document-8340/dps a.pdf
5 ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Suite of Assessments Overview
6 ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Suite of Assessments For the Spring 2019 administration, the following assessments will be used to satisfy state and federal requirements for the annual assessment of the English language proficiency of English language learners (ELLs): Kindergarten ACCESS for ELLs, a paper-based assessment for Kindergarten ACCESS for ELLs 2.0, a paper-based assessment for Grades 1–12 Alternate ACCESS for ELLs, a paper-based assessment for ELLs in Grades 1–12 who have significant cognitive disabilities
7 ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Suite of Assessments – At A Glance Kindergarten ACCESS for ELLs ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Alternate ACCESS for ELLs Language Domains Assessed Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing Tiers Not TieredTier A, B/CNot Tiered AdaptivityIncludes stopping rules for when a student hits his/her ceiling. Tiered forms (A, B/C) are provided to allow students to see items best suited for his/her proficiency level. Includes multiple cues to allow students the opportunity to respond, and stopping rules for when a student hits his/ her ceiling. (continued on next slide)
8 ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Suite of Assessments – At A Glance Kindergarten ACCESS for ELLs ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Alternate ACCESS for ELLs Administration format All domains are individually administered. Reading, Listening, and Writing may be group administered. Speaking is individually administered. All domains are individually administered. Anticipated Administration Time About 45 minutes per student. Listening: up to 40 minutes Reading: up to 45 minutes Speaking: up to 35 minutes Writing: up to 65 minutes Listening: 20 minutes Reading: 20 minutes Speaking: 20 minutes Writing: 20 minutes ScoringAll domains are scored locally by the Test Administrator, with overall scores calculated by DRC. Speaking scored locally by the Test Administrator. Listening, Reading, Writing, and overall scores are scored centrally by DRC. All domains are scored locally by the Test Administrator, with overall scores calculated by DRC. (continued on next slide)
9 ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Suite of Assessments – At A Glance Kindergarten ACCESS for ELLs ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Alternate ACCESS for ELLs Unique FeaturesTest items are divided into two sections: Narrative (Parts A – C) Expository (Parts D – F) Both sections of the test must be administered in order. Listening and Speaking sections are media-delivered on one CD that includes all directions and prompts. Domains can be administered in any order. Must be administered in this order: Listening, Reading, Speaking, and Writing. Accommodated Formats Large printGrades 1–8 UEB Contracted and Uncontracted Grades 9–12: EBAE w/ Nemeth Contracted and Uncontracted Large print Not applicable
10 Students to be Tested All students enrolled in the district (grades K–12) and classified ELL, with a code of “LY” on the 1 st day of the test administration window, must be administered one of the following English language proficiency assessments: Kindergarten ACCESS for ELLs ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Alternate ACCESS for ELLs (continued on next slide)
11 Students to be Tested (cont.) ELLs with disabilities participate in the statewide assessment program by taking one of the following English language proficiency assessments with or without accommodations: Kindergarten ACCESS for ELLs, ACCESS for ELLs 2.0, or Alternate ACCESS for ELLs Note: Document the participation and accommodation decisions in the student’s IEP or Section 504 Plan, and in the student’s ELL Plan.
12 Tier Placement and Test Materials Ordering via Survey 2 To ensure that the district receives the necessary test materials for the Spring 2019 ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 administration, it is imperative that all ELL students with a code of LY, LF, LP, and LZ have a tier designation/code as indicated below. All grades 1-12 students with a code of LY have a code of A, B, or C. Note: Students who have a significant cognitive disability and meet the participation criteria for Alternate ACCESS for ELLs must have a code of D. All kindergarten students with code of LY and students in grades K-12 with a code of LF, LP, and LZ have a code of Z. To review the tier placement guidance, please visit
13 What’s New for ACCESS for ELLs 2.0?
–2019 ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Schedule EventDate Survey 2 Processing DatesOctober 15 – November 2, 2018 Pre-ID File to DRC (will be used to order test materials)November 21, 2018 WIDA AMS Test Setup (Available for districts to modify demographic information) December 31, 2018 – March 30, nd Pre-ID Upload via FDOE ShareFile by District Test Coordinators January 10, 2019 Delivery of 2019 Administration MaterialsJanuary 11, 2019 Additional Test Materials Ordering Window via WIDA AMS – 3 District Orders January 11 – March 15, ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Test Administration Window January 28 – March 22, 2019 Delivery of 2 nd Wave of Pre-ID LabelsFebruary 11, 2019 Return of MaterialsJanuary 29 – March 29, 2019
15 What’s New? 1.The WIDA website new url address is 2.The Spring 2019 Florida ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Test Administration Manual and the 2019 Florida Accessibility and Accommodations Supplement are located in the WIDA Secure Portal training courses. 3.State-Specific Directions will provide an overview of Florida’s policies and procedures, testing forms, and signs required for the Spring 2019 ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 administration. 4.Tier B and Tier C test forms have been consolidated into one Tier B/C test booklet. 5.Tier B and Tier C students can be tested together during the Listening, Reading, and Writing domains. (continued on next slide)
16 What’s New? (cont.) 6.Within the initial shipment, districts will receive overage that is assigned to STATE PROVIDED SCHOOL ( ). Pre-ID Labels received for this site should be discarded immediately. 7.Test Administrators with training certificates prior to July 2017 must recertify to administer during the Spring 2019 administration. 8.In order to receive a second wave of Pre-ID labels, District Test Coordinators must submit the preidentification file to FDOE via FDOE ShareFile by January 10, WIDA AMS submission is not an option for the Spring 2019 administration.
17 ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Important Resources & Secure Portals
18 WIDA Assessment Management System (WIDA AMS) WIDA AMS is a secure portal for District Test Coordinators to manage test logistics and access score reports. Note: Notification will be provided when the 2018–19 Administration is added to WIDA AMS.
19 WIDA AMS Tasks by Role District Test Coordinator (DTC): Updating student demographic information Note: Do not add students to WIDA AMS. Ordering additional test materials Reporting missing materials via Materials Accountability Form Documenting student transfers via Student Transfer Form District-to-district transfers only Updating/creating district- and school-level accounts School Test Coordinator (as directed by DTC): Updating student demographic information Viewing/printing Score Reports
20 WIDA Website For more information on WIDA Assessments Login to WIDA Secure Portal or WIDA AMS Select Florida for Florida’s WIDA Webpage
21 Florida’s WIDA Webpage NEW Website Address: Important Information Testing Dates Checklist State-Specific Directions Assessment Resources Assessment Results and Rules Contacts
22 WIDA Secure Portal
23 Training and Certification Requirements
24 WIDA Secure Portal
25 ACCESS for ELLs Training Course FL-Specific Manuals New Location for 2019 Florida-Specific Manuals: -FL Test Administration Manual -FL Accessibility and Accommodations Supplement
26 Training and Certification Requirements for District and School Test Coordinators Complete tasks identified for the Test Coordinator on the Florida ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Checklist Review applicable sections of the FL Accessibility and Accommodations Supplement and WIDA AMS User Guide Review the online training available via the WIDA Secure Portal for each assessment being administered in the district and/or school It is recommended to complete the ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Paper Administration Quiz with a passing rate of 80% or higher
27 Annual Recertification It is a district’s decision whether certified Test Administrators must retake the Kindergarten ACCESS for ELLs, ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Speaking, Paper Administration Quiz Grades 1–12, and/or Alternate ACCESS for ELLs quizzes for the 2018–19 administration. NEW: Educators with training certificates earned prior to July 2017 must recertify. Even if Test Administrators are not required to recertify this year, it is recommended that educators review the training materials to prepare for their roles.
28 Training and Certification Requirements for Kindergarten ACCESS Test Administrators Complete tasks identified for the Kindergarten Test Administrator on the Florida ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Checklist Online training available via WIDA Secure Portal Must complete the online Kindergarten Quiz with a passing rate of 80% or higher to become certified to administer the assessment Educators with training certificates earned prior to July 2017 must recertify
29 Training and Certification Requirements for ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Test Administrators Complete tasks identified for the Test Administrator on the Florida ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Checklist Online training available via WIDA Secure Portal Must complete the Paper Administration Quiz Grades 1–12 with a passing rate of 80% or higher to become certified to administer the assessment Must complete the online Speaking Quiz(zes) with a passing rate of 80% or higher to become certified to administer the Speaking section Educators with training certificates earned prior to July 2017 must recertify
30 Training and Certification Requirements for Alternate ACCESS Test Administrators Complete tasks identified for the Alternate Test Administrator on the Florida ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Checklist Online training available via WIDA Secure Portal Must complete the online Alternate ACCESS for ELLs Quiz with a passing rate of 80% or higher to become certified to administer the assessment Educators with training certificates prior to July 2017 must recertify
31 Monitoring Certification via WIDA Secure Portal District Test Coordinators use the Account Management & Training Status tile to monitor the training status for school-level personnel and are responsible for ensuring that all Test Administrators have completed applicable training components before administering the ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 suite of assessments. Test Administrators can also use the My Training CERTIFICATE tile to print a certificate of their completed training.
32 Professional Learning
33 ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Regional Training for Test Administrators LocationDate Jacksonville, FLNovember 6, 2018 Orlando, FLNovember 7, 2018 Ft. Myers, FLNovember 15, 2018 Palm Beach, FLDecember 4, 2018 Tallahassee, FLDecember 11, 2018 Polk County, FLDecember 20, 2018 AGENDA AND REGISTRATION INFORMATION IS FORTHCOMING!
34 FDOE ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Upcoming Webinars Topic 2019 District Test Coordinator Overview 2019 School Test Coordinator Overview 2019 Test Administrator Overview Grades 1 – 12 Paper Test Administrator Scoring Overview Completing Demographic Information Pre-Reporting Data Validation Florida webinars will be displayed under State/District Webinars via the Download Library. Note: Notification will be provided when webinars are accessible.
35 WIDA ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Upcoming Q&A Sessions TopicDateTime Alternate ACCESS for ELLs: Administration December 5, 20182:00 – 3:00 pm EST During Testing: Managing StudentsDecember 11, 20183:00 – 4:00 pm EST During Testing: Managing Test MaterialsJanuary 23, 20193:00 – 4:00 pm EST Webinar links and recordings for WIDA webinars will be posted under Key Resources in the WIDA Secure Portal training courses.
36 Test Administration Monitoring
37 Test Administration Monitoring Requirement for USED Peer Review Critical Element 2.4: Monitoring Test Administration For all parts of its assessment system, FLDOE must provide: Evidence that it monitors the administration of its State assessments to ensure that standardized test administration procedures are implemented with fidelity across districts and schools.
38 Test Administration Monitoring Caveon Core Real-Time Monitoring Pilot process in Spring schools, one day at each school Schools identified by Caveon/FDOE Monitor to ensure compliance with all applicable assessment policies and procedures and rules of all assessment programs Spring 2020 Number of schools TBD
39 Test Administration Monitoring Districts/schools will be notified in advance to make arrangements for monitors (e.g., access to school in the morning, Wi-Fi access). Two monitors will be on-site all day monitoring test administration procedures and speaking with school personnel. Reports provided to FDOE will make recommendations for improvements. Any major test irregularities can be escalated immediately (e.g., teacher misconduct).
40 Contact Information Florida Department of Education Bureau of K–12 Student Assessment Sabrina Read Telephone Number: WIDA Client Services Center Toll-Free Telephone Number: Data Recognition Corporation (DRC) Toll-Free Telephone Number: