Uploading A Complete Loan File eXPRESS Uploading A Complete Loan File
Access The Wholesale Loan Portal - eXPRESS Click Here
Input Username and Password And Click Sign In
Click here to start Upload
You may select from Lender Paid, Borrower Paid, or NA- NOO or HECM ARM Your Name Will Appear as the Broker Loan Officer. In some situations you may have to select from the drop-down menu. You may select from Lender Paid, Borrower Paid, or NA- NOO or HECM ARM Loan Officer Name Lender Paid Select Loan Program From Drop Down Menu Input Borrower Credit Score Select Yes or No FHA Fixed 30 721 Yes Yes Select Yes or No Yes Yes LoanNex ID is used when inputting an Expanded Non-QM Loan.
Note: Clicking Upload a Loan does not Register Loan Uploading Actual 3.2 File Drag your 3.2 file into the box File Name: Borrower.fnm Click To Upload Note: Clicking Upload a Loan does not Register Loan
Loan Number and Borrowers Name and lock information always appear on top of screen(s) New loan has been created when Loan Detail Screen is displayed
Running DU
Run DU by clicking the “DU Tab located in the TAB Bar. Click “Send Loan” Click “Yes” to confirm *Note: Do not enter a FNMA DU/DO Casefile ID
Fannie Mae DU Window Opens “Credit and Underwriting” Note: Casefile ID is listed on this screen
Step 4: Click to proceed with the reissue or generating a new report #3 - Select #4 – Click Step #3: You may select to reissue your existing credit report, or you may request a new credit report using your current credit reporting company credentials Step 4: Click to proceed with the reissue or generating a new report
Select your preferred credit agency Input your Account Number and Password Click ”Next” Input your Credit Report Reference Number
Click on “Underwriting Recommendation” to view findings
Print findings and/or credit report to a PDF for your records
Once underwriting status is “Complete”, close out of Fannie Mae DU site (click on Red “X” in upper-right hand side) When eXPRESS window opens it is “REQUIRED” that you click the “Download” button”
Inputting Fees
Click on the Fee Tab to start inputting
Enter fees into the white boxes. Greyed out boxes are not editable. Input the appraisal fee by clicking in the box and type fee amount Continue to input fess on the complete fee screen. $525.00 Compensation can be entered if the loan is a Borrower Paid Transaction. (LHFS Within Reach, GSFA, and CalHFA DPA Programs do have BPC maximums) Lender Paid Compensation can not be inputted. LHFS will complete this filed based on your LPC Agreement at the time of registration
To add a fee that is not displaying click.
Click check box next to the fee that needs to be added After all selections are completed click “Add Fee”
After you have added the fee needed. $525.00 $995.00 Input Added Fee
When all fess have been inputted. $995.00 When all fess have been inputted. It is REQUIRED that you click “Save”.
Lock Request
It is highly recommended that you price your loan. It is not required to Lock. Click: If loan is eligible to lock or if you would like to lock the loan this is the screen to utilize Click “Price Loan”
LHFS Pricing Window Appears Majority of required fields will be completed based on the information in eXPRESS. Required fields are marked with a Red Dot. LHFS Pricing Window Appears There maybe a few fields that you will need to complete. If not complete you will receive notice that you will need to complete to continue. When all fields are complete click
Program Selection To select the desired product click on the actual program Click on this link will allow you to view program guidelines.
Clicking on the program name the LHFS pricing grid will appear. Rate section highlighted in orange is the rate provided with your 3.2 file. To select desired rate and price click on the “Price”. A line will appear under the price.
If you are ready to lock, or the loan is eligible to lock If you are ready to lock, or the loan is eligible to lock. You will simply click “Request Lock”. When the price has been clicked you will see a new window.
Document Loading Initial Submission Package
To upload your initial submission package. Click on “Subs/Conds” Tab Option 2: Click on “Upload” Option 1: Drag initial submission package onto
Using Option 2: Clicking Upload When upload is complete click “Close” Click “Select” and browse for your borrower file and click. Click “Start Upload”
When upload is completed the Subs/Cods Screen will appear By clicking on the table icon it will display file upload information The submission bucket will drop down the list and show a magnifying glass. Clicking on the magnifying glass you will have the option to view the upload
Submit Loan Clicking on the Submit Tab Will Register The Loan
Fees have been inputted and saved. Initial package has been uploaded. AUS has been ran. Fees have been inputted and saved. Initial package has been uploaded. Click “Submit Loan” Click “Yes” Click “Submit Loan” Borrower1@email.com, Borrower2@email.com Input correct Borrower(s) email address. Best Processor Ever Processor@email.com Input your processor name and email address to insure they receive communication on the loan file.
Loan has been registered. When file has been submitted to Land Home Financial Services, Inc This screen will appear.
QUESTIONS Please contact your Account Executive