Bellwork: 21 August 2019 Yellow dot person get the folders and hand them out. Blue Dot person get the materials basket. Log in to the computer and go to Use the following codes to sign up 1st hour G3YY64 2nd hour V3XAP4 4th hour KEGW7X 5th hour 7GMD73 6th hour YM7K9X
Unit 1 lesson 2.3 “Lamb to the slaughter”: setting the stage Wednesday, 21 August 2019
Prereading: What does the word “lamb” make you think of? What does the word “slaughter” make you think of?
As I read the first 7 paragraphs: Annotate the opening seven paragraphs of “Lamb to the Slaughter,” a description of how the main character Mary Maloney sets the stage for her husband’s return home from work. Describe the physical details Mary prepares and her emotional state of mind as she awaits her husband’s return.
Second Pass: Take Notes on paragraphs 1-7 Circle things Mary does. In margins write what this action could reveal about her character (remember that characteristics are positive and negative, like brave or nervous).
Analyzing the story - paragraphs 8-38 Listen while the story is read to paragraph 38 and consider telling details that indicate that Mary has certain expectations about her Thursday evening with her husband, almost as if she has the evening scripted.
Second Pass on paragraphs 8-38 Circle or highlight things Patrick does. Find three things that Patrick does that Mary does not expect and complete this sentence in the margins, next to each: “Mary didn’t expect Patrick to ….”
Second Pass on paragraphs 8-38 What news do you think Patrick tells Mary that is not fully stated to us? What is some evidence that supports your claim? Why do you think Dahl (author) chose not to directly state this news?
Appreciating the author’s craft What do you think Patrick told Mary? What evidence supports your speculation?