Choose Your Own (scheduling) Adventure! Longleaf School of the Arts Interactive Course Guide Choose Your Own (scheduling) Adventure! You’ll need: A copy of the course selection worksheet Internet access
Click the Button That Describes You I will be in the 9th grade when school begins I will be in the 10th grade when school begins (Just for fun…)
9th graders choose between English I and Honors English I I’ve got it! Let’s go on… I need to start over I need more information!
10th graders choose between English II and Honors English II I need more information before I can choose! I’ve got it! Let’s go on… I need to start over
Social Studies Click the button that describes you: I am an incoming 9th grader I am an incoming 10th grader who passed World History this year. I am an incoming 10th grader who did not take World History this year None of these apply to me. (The “Home” button takes you back to step 1) I want to see all available Social Studies Courses
I want to see all available Social Studies Courses Choose Between World History and Honors World History Got it! Let’s move on… Go back one step I want to see all available Social Studies Courses
I want to see all available Social Studies Courses Choose Between Civics and Economics and Honors Civics and Economics Got it! Let’s move on… Go back one step I want to see all available Social Studies Courses
Take me back to the previous page None of these apply… If you have credit for both World and Civics… You can take AP European History You can take Theatre History, Dance History, or Art History If you were homeschooled, have different credits, or are otherwise confused, click on “I need more help.” Take me back to the previous page Let’s move on I need more help
Science Click the button that applies: I am an incoming 9th grader I want to see all available Science Courses Take me back to English Take me back to Social Studies
9th grade science options I want to begin with a science that does not involve a ton of math I love math! I love science! Bring it on! I already have one high school lab science credit I need to go back one step I want to see all available Science Courses for 2013-2014
10th grade Science I have not taken Biology I I took Biology but didn’t do well in it or I didn’t like it I took Biology and did well in it I need to go back one step I want to see all available Science Courses for 2013-2014
I want more information about these courses Choose either: Astronomy or Earth Science Got it! Let’s move on Back up one step I want more information about these courses
I want more information about these courses Choose Either Biology or Honors Biology Got it! Let’s move on Back up one step I want more information about these courses
Math Placement I want more information about these courses I do NOT intend to take a math placement test at orientation I plan to take a math placement test at orientation I need to back up and revisit a section I want more information about these courses I need a chart to help me understand the math sequences
Advanced Science Options AP Environmental Science Physics or Honors Physics through NCVPS An advanced science course through NCVPS Got it! Let’s move on Back up one step I want more information about these courses
No placement test? 9th graders take Integrated Math I 10th graders take Integrated Math II Got it! Let’s move on! Back up one step Wait! I’m an 8th grader taking Algebra I, Integrated Math I, or Common Core Math I
Okay, I understand. Take me back to the Math section. Placement Test Info If you are a 9th grader who wants to take something above Integrated Math I … …You must take a placement test. We cannot give credit for math courses taken in 8th grade. Okay, I understand. Take me back to the Math section.
Taking a placement test? You have the following options: Take the highest level of math allowed by your score on the placement test (up to AP Calculus) Limit the upper level of math you will take your first year Limit? Whatever do you mean?
Placement Limits Let’s say you want to place into Integrated Math II or Integrated Math III but do not want to take Precal your first year. You check the box “Limit: Integrated Math III.” on your worksheet. Course levels are: Integrated Math I easiest Integrated Math II Integrated Math III Honors Precalculus AP Calculus online most difficult Got it! Let’s move on Back up one step I have Precal credit Math home
Non-Arts Elective Click here to learn about Foreign Language at Longleaf Click here to learn about other elective options
Foreign Language Placement I want to take Level I of a foreign language I have high school credit for Level I and want to take Level II of the same language I want to take Level II or above but do not have high school credit for Level I I have credit in one foreign language but want to take Level I of a different foreign language Back up a step
No Placement Test Required! Choose from one of the following: Arabic Chinese (Mandarin) French German Hebrew Japanese Latin Russian Spanish Got it! Transeamus… Redeamus (go back a step)
Placement Test Required You have the following options: Take the highest level allowed by your score on the placement test (up to AP) Limit the upper level you will take your first year Explain this limits things… Back up a step…
Placement Limits Let’s say you want to place into Level II but don’t want to take Level III your first year. You write down “Limit: Level II” next to the name of the language you want to take. Let me read that again… Back to Foreign Language I have room for another non-arts elective Got it! Let’s move on to arts electives
Arts Electives Select two arts courses for the 2013-2014 school year The arts courses cannot be the same (e.g., you can’t take two dance studios in one year) What are my arts course options? I need to go back to another section Got it! Let’s move on…
Other Elective Options You may take a third arts class that has no prerequisites You may take Theatre History, Dance History, or Art history for a social studies credit If you meet the prerequisites, you can double up on science or double up on social studies Where can I find out about prerequisites? I need to go back to another section Take me back to Arts I’m finished!
I’m finished with everything! Need to Revisit? Science English Social Studies Math Non-Arts Electives Arts Electives I’m finished with everything!
It looks like you’re an outlier. Need help. Email Dr It looks like you’re an outlier. Need help? Email Dr. Broome with the details of your specific situation. Take me back to the previous page Take me back to the beginning Give me Dr. Broome’s email address