St Boniface: hero or villain? Why did St Boniface cut down the sacred oak tree? Is he: a national icon and Christian role-model or a disrespectful vandal?
St Boniface Day will be on 5th June each year On 23rd May 2019 Devon County Council voted to make St Boniface the patron saint of Devon St Boniface Day will be on 5th June each year Did you know: The patron saint of Cornwall is St Piran* The patron saint of Dorset is St Wite** Can you find out about who they were? * **
Named Winfrith by his parents St Boniface (c 672-754) Born near Exeter Named Winfrith by his parents Joined a monastery and spent many years studying Became a missionary in his early 40s Tried to convert the pagan people of Frisia (Netherlands) Travelled to Rome where the Pope re-named him Boniface (‘doer of good’) Instructed by the Pope to spread the Gospel in Germany Very successful in making many Christian converts Felled the giant sacred oak tree at Geismar* to convince the people of Hesse that there was no spiritual power in nature! Consecrated as the Bishop of Germany (by the Pope) Spent many years destroying idols and pagan temples across Germany, building Churches in their place Why do you think Boniface is an important figure for Christians? *Some say a fir tree grew spontaneously in place of the sacred oak tree. It is evergreen, so for Christians it symbolises the everlasting love of God
A. How does the writer view: St Boniface The local people “Boniface had enormous work ahead of him. The pagans, though attracted to Christianity, were still bound by fear and superstition to their old religion and gods. To prove to them the falseness of their beliefs and the reality of the one true God, Boniface called the people together and, approaching the “sacred” oak of Geismar, struck it down with an axe, whereupon it split into four parts and fell to the grown in the shape of a cross. Yet, there stood Boniface, still holding his axe, unharmed by their gods.” Taken from the website: America needs Fatima; winning the heart and soul of America for Mary A. How does the writer view: St Boniface The local people The local gods The oak tree B. What does the writer assume about: the ‘pagans’ Christianity C. What is the symbolism of the way the oak tree split and fell?
Why did he cut the tree down? Questions Who was St Boniface? Why is he important? Why did he cut the tree down? Why is he thought of as a great missionary? Is he a good role-model for today? Why is he said to be the originator of the Christmas tree? Did he set a good example for environmental sustainability? Explain what you think of him Why does St Boniface hold a symbol of a Bible with a sword stuck through it?