« Survey on PRODCOM data collection in other MS


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Presentation transcript:

« Survey on PRODCOM data collection in other MS Economic Statistics Department International Trade, Industry and Construction Statistics Unit Cristina Neves «

Survey on data collection in other MS Why? General Guidelines of National Statistical Activity 2008-2012 Objective 1 To improve the quality of statistics produced within the scope of the National Statistical System, with special focus on compliance with deadlines for the availability and accessibility of data «

Survey on data collection in other MS Why? Action Lines (LA) LA1 – To increase the receptivity and participation of enterprises in data collection operations conducted by entities of the National Statistical System LA3 – To overall reduce the costs with the production of statistical information LA4 – To shorten the deadline of availability of information, in compliance with the commitments taken on, namely with international organisations «

Survey on data collection in other MS Why? Prodcom Survey: High burden on enterprises Need to improve data collection Need to simplify data collection and data analysis procedures Need to improve systems used for data analysis, edit, imputation, etc. For a better internal usage (National Accounts): quality improvement Methodological evaluation «

Survey on data collection in other MS How? Internal Working Group (main players): Economic Statistics Department Data Collection Department Methodology and Information Systems Department National Accounts Department Survey on data collection in other MS «

Main purposes of the questionnaire to MS: Survey on data collection in other MS Main purposes of the questionnaire to MS: Better knowledge of methodologies and procedures used by MS Identify benchmarking initiatives and procedures Final goals: Simplify procedures Reduce burden (on enterprises and on NSI) Improve quality «

Survey on data collection in other MS How? Questions to MS: What are the procedures used to select the sample concerning Prodcom survey? Please specify the procedures related to data collection, namely: Type of questionnaire: paper, electronic, both? Do surveys sent to enterprises include previous year data? Calendar Check and quality control procedures Use or intent to use CN to collect data «

Survey on data collection in other MS How? Questions to MS: Do you make adjustments for non-responses? Specify methodology Do you use alternative sources for check and quality control of Prodcom data? Do you have a revisions policy for Prodcom data? The Prodcom data you disseminate refers to 90% or 100% of total production? «

Also use the quality reports available on Circa (12 MS) Survey on data collection in other MS Who? Participating MS: Hungary Slovakia Turkey United Kingdom Denmark Czech Republic France Germany Also use the quality reports available on Circa (12 MS) «

Survey on data collection in other MS Main outcomes: The majority of MS apply the following procedures: Cut-off sample (more than 10 or 20 employees) Paper form is still an important type of questionnaire in use The inclusion of previous year figures in the questionnaire is an increasing procedure. Simplifications such as the restriction of codes available (only the products reported last year are available) Annual data collection of Prodcom data Use of CN: No, but correspondence tables available «

Survey on data collection in other MS Main outcomes: The majority of MS apply the following procedures: Quality control comparison with data from previous year comparison with STS (Production indices) Adjustments for non-responses: high response rates adjustments, if needed, made using data from previous years or average prices from the current year «

Survey on data collection in other MS Main outcomes: The majority of MS apply the following procedures: Other sources of information: used only for quality control Revisions policy: 12 to 18 months after the reference year June N+1: preliminary data December N+1/ June N+2: final data Coverage rate: 90% (without estimation for 100%) «

Main outcomes to be adopted by Statistics Portugal: Survey on data collection in other MS Main outcomes to be adopted by Statistics Portugal: Inclusion of previous data in electronic questionnaire; Validations for major variations (year N/ year N-1) Mandatory collection of justifications for major variations (year N/ year N-1) New procedures concerning sampling and imputation New revisions policy: June N+1 – preliminary data December N+1 – provisional data December N+2 – final data «

« THANK YOU Economic Statistics Department International Trade, Industry and Construction Statistics Unit cristina.neves@ine.pt PRODCOM WG 29-30 November 2012 «