Theater HR Staff Elements Non SRC 12


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Presentation transcript:

Theater HR Staff Elements Non SRC 12 SHOW SLIDE: THEATER HR STAFF ELEMENTS (NON-SRC12) NOTE: Transition Slide Section I. ADMINISTRATIVE DATA Academic Hours/Methods 0 hrs/00 mins Large Group Instruction 0 hrs/00 mins Practical Exercise (Hands On) 0 hrs/00 mins Test 0 hrs/30 mins Test Review 0 hrs/00 mins Total Hours SECTION II. INTRODUCTION: Today we are going to discuss Theater HR Staff Elements Method of Instruction Conference/Discussion Instructor to Student Ratio 1:16 Time of Instruction: 5 mins Media: Large Group Instruction MOTIVATOR: The most crucial piece of information to know and understand is to identify the personnel who make up your Theater HR Staff Elements

ASCC G-1/AG Primary Functions Sustainment Cell Contingency CP Operational Sustainment Directorate 14/1/8 23 G-1/AG G-4 G-8 Surgeon General Engineer Sustainment CP G1/AG Element Main CP ASCC G-1/AG Primary Functions Main CP Plan and prioritize HR support Assure unity of purpose and effort Maximize the readiness and operational capabilities of forces within theater Sustainment Cell Contingency CP Two person team Establishes and coordinates initial HR theater support operations May be augmented by other elements of the ASCC G1/AG main or IAs FM 1-0, para 2-2 Plans & Ops Programs, Policy Branch Manpower Division Awards & Actions Section Current Operations Section Individual Augmentee (IA) Management Section SHOW SLIDE: ASCC G-1/AG The ASCC G-1/AG’s primary function is to plan and prioritize HR support to assure a unity of purpose and effort that maximizes the readiness and operational capabilities of forces within the theater. The ASCC G-1/AG is an element of the ASCC operational sustainment directorate. The operational sustainment directorate combines the G-1/AG, G-4, G-8, Surgeon, and general engineering into a single staff cell that provides oversight, policy, planning and synchronization of personnel services, logistics, and health service support missions. The ASCC G-1/AG relies on secure, continuous, survivable communications, and digital information systems. The ASCC G-1/AG primarily operates from the Main Command Post (CP), but has a two-person team within the Sustainment Cell of the Contingency CP. This two-person team establishes and coordinates initial HR support operations for the theater and forms the basis for the G-1/AGs forward presence in the AO. The Sustainment Cell of the Contingency CP may be augmented by other elements of the ASCC G-1 main staff sections or through individual augmentation. The ASCC G-1/AG does not exercise command and control of any HR organization. The TSC ensures HR organizations (HRSC, MMT, TG PAT, HR Company) execute their HR missions I IAW the policies, priorities, and timelines established by the ASCC G-1/AG. SAFETY REQUIREMENTS. In a training environment, leaders must perform a risk assessment in accordance with FM 5-19, Composite Risk Management. Leaders will complete a DA Form 7566 COMPOSITE RISK MANAGEMENT WORKSHEET during the planning and completion of each task and sub-task by assessing mission, enemy, terrain and weather, troops and support available-time available and civil considerations, (METT-TC). Note: During MOPP training, leaders must ensure personnel are monitored for potential heat injury. Local policies and procedures must be followed during times of increased heat category in order to avoid heat related injury. Consider the MOPP work/rest cycles and water replacement guidelines IAW FM 3-11.4, NBC Protection, FM 3-11.5, CBRN Decontamination. No food or drink is allowed near or around electrical equipment (CPU, file servers, printers, projectors, etc.) due to possible electrical shock or damage to equipment.  Exercise care in personal movement in and through such areas.  Avoid all electrical cords and associated wiring.  In event of electrical storm, you will be instructed to power down equipment. Everyone is responsible for safety.   RISK ASSESSMENT LEVEL. Low. ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT. Environmental protection is not just the law but the right thing to do. It is a continual process and starts with deliberate planning. Always be alert to ways to protect our environment during training and missions. In doing so, you will contribute to the sustainment of our training resources while protecting people and the environment from harmful effects. Refer to FM 3-34.5 Environmental Considerations and GTA 05-08-002 ENVIRONMENTAL-RELATED RISK ASSESSMENT. EVALUATION. None MWR Section Personnel Readiness Section Postal Section

Theater Sustainment Command G-1 6/2/10 18 TSC G-1 O5 42H00 G-1/AG E9 42A5O SGM 1/0/1 2 PLANS AND OPERATIONS PA/SR/PRM/PIM PERSONNEL SERVICES 0/0/5 5 3/1/3 7 1/1/4 6 1/0/2 3 O4 42H00 Plans Off O3 42B00 Opns Off A/Pers Off W2 420AO HR Tech E7 42A4O Sr HR SGT E6 42A3O HR SGT E4 42A1O HR SPC O4 42H00 Str Actg Off W3 42OA0 HR TECH E7 42A4O SR HR SGT E6 42A3O HR SGT E5 42F2O HR INFO SYS MGT SGT E4 42A10 HR SPC O3 42B00 PERS SVC OFF E6 42A3O HR SGT E4 42A1O HR SPC SHOW SLIDE: THEATER SUSTAINMENT COMMAND G-1/AG Learning Step/Activity 1. Theater Sustainment Command Method of Instruction: Conference /Discussion Instructor to Student Ratio 1:16 Time of Instruction: Media: Large Group Instruction The TSC G-1 establishes, monitors, directs, and assesses human resources support for units assigned or attached to the TSC. This staff section provides advice and assistance to subordinate unit S-1 sections on human resource matters, monitors personnel readiness of the TSC, implements human resource policies, and directs human resources systems and support to commanders and Soldiers. This slide depicts the TSC G-1 organizational structure. Essential Personnel Services support is provided by the TSC STB S-1 section. Remember, the TSC G-1/AG’s focus is on TSC specific (internal) HR support, while the HRSC focus is theater-wide.

Headquarters and Headquarters Battalion S-1 Supporting a Sustainment Brigade Supporting a Div/Corps/Army 1/0/4 5 1/1/9 11 HHBn S-1s of General Officer-level Organizations Same capabilities and responsibilities of brigade-level S-1s – including same access to top-of-the-system HR enabling systems HHBn S-1s are responsible for their own Essential Personnel Services and other HR support Although S-1 is CPT/42B, expected to be more senior and experienced General officer HQs without an HHBn S-1 section or equivalent must be augmented by their higher HQs for HR support STB S-1 STB S-1 O3 42B00 S-1 E7 42A4O SR HR SGT E6 27D3O PARALEGAL NCO E5 42A2O HR SGT E3 42A1O HR SPC O3 42B00 S-1 W4 42OA0 HR TECH E7 42A4O SR HR SGT E6 42A3O HR SGT (2) E5 42A2O 42F2O HR INFO SYS MGMT SGT E4 42A1O HR SPEC E3 HR SPEC (2) SHOW SLIDE: HHBN formerly (STB) SUPPORTING A DIV/CORPS/ARMY/TSC – S-1 SECTION Learning Step/Activity II. Headquarters and Headquarters Battalion S1 Method of Instruction: Conference /Discussion Instructor to Student Ratio 1:16 Time of Instruction: Media: Large Group Instruction The Headquarters and Headquarters Battalion (HHBn) that supports a Division or higher HQ (as opposed to supporting a BDE) has a more complicated mission and receives a larger structure for its S-1 Section (11 versus 5 personnel). The HHBn supports the Headquarters personnel for higher level HQs – DIV/CORPS/ASCC and TSC. This HHBn S-1 section is expected to perform tasks more closely related to those of a BDE S-1 section. Note that the end state structure is much more like a BDE S-1 Section. The S-1 is a 42B CPT; but, it is expected that they will be more senior and more experienced than their peers. The systems piece also more closely resembles the BDE S-1 section than the BN S-1 Section. HHBn’s provide Mission Command for Division/Corps/Army and TSC HQs troops FM 1-0, para 2-27

Expeditionary Sustainment Command G-1 4/1/11 16 ESC G-1 O5 42H00 G-1/AG E9 42A5O SGM 1/0/1 2 PLANS AND OPERATIONS PA/SR/PRM/PIM PERSONNEL SERVICES 0/0/5 5 1/0/3 4 1/1/4 6 1/0/3 4 O3 42B00 Plans Off E7 42A4O Sr HR SGT E6 42A3O HR SGT E4 42A1O HR SPC O4 42H00 PER MGT Off W3 42OA0 HR TECH E7 42A4O SR HR SGT E6 42A3O HR SGT E5 42F2O HR INFO SYS MGT SGT E4 42A10 HR SPC O3 42B00 PERS SVC OFF E6 42A3O HR SGT E5 42A2O E4 42A1O HR SPC SHOW SLIDE: EXPEDITIONARY SUSTAINMENT COMMAND G-1/AG Learning Step/Activity III. Expeditionary Sustainment Command Method of Instruction: Conference /Discussion Instructor to Student Ratio 1:16 Time of Instruction: Media: Large Group Instruction Expeditionary Sustainment Command. The role of the ESC is to provide forward-based C2 of sustainment forces. The ESC normally deploys to provide C2 when multiple Sustainment Brigades are employed or when the TSC determines that forward command presence is required. This slide depicts the ESC G-1 organizational structure. Essential Personnel Services support is provided by the ESC Personnel Services Branch as there is no STB in support. Personnel Services Branch provides Essential Personnel Services for the ESC when there is no HHBN/ formerly STB in support.

HR (SRC 12) Rules of Allocation and Postal Planning Factor FM 1-0, para 6-33 – UPDATED ROA; para 6-30 – Postal Factors (includes TAA 14-18 Phase I-III changes – Effective FY 12) SRC Title Allocation Rule Type 12682G000 HR Sustainment Center (HSRC) 1 per Theater Sustainment Command (TSC) Existence 12413G000 HR Company 1 per Military Mail Terminal (MMT) Team 1 per Theater Gateway (TG) Personnel Accountability Team (PAT) 1 per 3-7 Platoons (HR, Postal, or any combination) Workload 12567GF00 HR Platoon HR Squad (Casualty Liaison Team (CLT)) HR Squad (PAT) 2 per TG PAT (1st 3,600 daily pax flow) 1 per 1,800 daily pax flow 1 per Level III Medical Treatment Facility 1 per Mortuary Affairs Company 1 per HRSC Casualty Operations Division 1 per GO-level command (w/exception to ASCC/TSC) 1 per 600 personnel transiting through an intra-theater APOD (when daily transit numbers exceed 600 daily) 12567GB00 TG PAT 1 per inter-theater APOD 12356GA00 Postal Platoon 4 per MMT 1 per 6,000 personnel (i.e. cumulative population) 12567GA00 MMT Team Postal Planning Factor 1.95 lbs per Servicemember per day (mail volume) 20-foot container = 8,000 lbs of mail 40-foot container = 16,000 lbs of mail NA SHOW SLIDE: SRC 12 – RULES OF ALLOCATION NOTE: These are the corrected ROAs not found in FM 1-0. Correction is to the ROA for the HR Squad (PAT). This slide depicts the various Rules of Allocation for SRC 12 organizations. HR organization rules of allocation allow HR planners to determine the number of HR units required to provide the intended support. These rules of allocation are also used in the Total Army Analysis system to model operational requirements of units.

ROA PE 1 - Check on Learning Using the rules of allocation determine the correct number and type of SRC 12 organizations for a Sustainment Brigade with a Theater opening mission: serving a population of 5800 personnel (military, DoD civilian, and authorized contractors); operating an Inter-theater APOD with an average pax flow rate of 2000 personnel per day. PEAK #1: The HRSC/HROB would determine the need for: 1 TG PAT and 1 MMT Team (per inter-theater APOD) 5 Postal platoons – 4 per MMT team & 1 per 6k pax supported 3 HR Platoons – 2 per TG PAT plus 1 per 1800+ daily pax flow (1800-3599 = +1) 2 HR company HQ – 1 to support the TG PAT and the 3 HR Platoons (1 per 3- 7 Platoons) and 1 to support the MMT Team and the 5 Postal Platoons SHOW SLIDE: CHECK ON LEARNING, ROA PE 1 SECTION IV. SUMMARY NOTE: Conduct a check on learning and summarize the learning activity. Using the rules of allocation determine the correct number and type of SRC 12 organizations for a Sustainment Brigade with a Theater opening mission: serving a population of 5800 personnel (military, DoD civilian, and authorized contractors); operating an Inter-theater APOD with an average pax flow rate of 2000 personnel per day. PEAK #1: The HRSC/HROB would determine the need for: 1 TG PAT and 1 MMT Team (per inter-theater APOD) 5 Postal platoons – 4 per MMT team & 1 per 6k pax supported 3 HR Platoons – 2 per TG PAT plus 1 per 1800+ daily pax flow (1800-3599 = +1) 2 HR company HQ – 1 to support the TG PAT and the 3 HR Platoons (1 per 3-7 Platoons) and 1 to support the MMT Team and the 5 Postal Platoons

ROA PE 2 - Check on Learning Using the ROA determine the correct SRC 12 structured to support an Area of Operations (Non-Theater Opening Mission) where the SB supports a total population of 18,000 personnel; operates two intra-theater APODs - one that processes 600 pax per day and one that processes 300 personnel per day; has one GO headquarters; and one Level III MTF. PEAK #2: The SRC 12 structure required would be : 1 HR Company HQ (1 per 3-7 HR or Postal Platoons) 3 Postal Platoons (1 per 6K supported population) 1 HR Platoon - 1 HR Squad (PAT) for the APOD w/ 600 per day 2 HR Squads (CLTs) – 1 for the Level III MTF and 1 for the GO HQ SHOW SLIDE: CHECK ON LEARNING, ROA PE 2 SECTION V. SUMMARY NOTE: Conduct a check on learning and summarize the learning activity. ROA PE 2: Using the ROA determine the correct SRC 12 structured to support an Area of Operations (Non-Theater Opening Mission) where the SB supports a total population of 18,000 personnel; operates two intra-theater APODs - one that processes 600 pax per day and one that processes 300 personnel per day; has one GO headquarters; and one Level III MTF. PEAK #2: The SRC 12 structure required would be : 1 HR Company HQ (1 per 3-7 HR or Postal Platoons) 3 Postal Platoons (1 per 6K supported population) 1 HR Platoon - 1 HR Squad (PAT) for the APOD w/ 600 per day 2 HR Squads (CLTs) – 1 for the Level III MTF and 1 for the GO HQ