Organization Of The Church


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Presentation transcript:

Organization Of The Church The organization of the church 5-30-2010 Organization Of The Church Church-organization and work of

Introduction The church is divine in origin Mt. 16:18 Christ built his church and it was established on Pentecost of Acts 2 Christ is King over the church/kingdom and has determined how the church is to be organized!

One Head/One King = Christ Mt. 28:18 Eph. 1:22-23; 4:4 The church has no earthly headquarters We take our instructions from Christ

One Head/One King = Christ In our preaching, work and worship we must follow the teaching of Christ Jn. 16:13 God the Father ---Christ ---Holy Spirit--- Apostles and & other inspired writers----Word of God

One Head/One King = Christ There is no pope, council, conference, or group of people controlling all the congregations of the Lord’s church WE FOLLOW CHRIST OUR KING WHO REIGNS FROM HEAVEN!

Elders Acts 14:23 Titus 1:5 They are called pastors, shepherds, overseers, bishops, presbyters The elders are the PASTORS of the local congregation Pastor is never used as a title for the preacher in the N.T.

Elders The qualifications are given in 1 Tim. 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-13 Must have more than one elder serving in a local congregation Elders are to guide, guard, feed, disciplne and rule the flock

Elders A church with qualified elders “is under the direction of a group of men who have proven by experience that they live the Christian life, possess a knowledge of the Bible, and are wise.” James Meadows

Deacons Phil. 1:1 Their qualifications are listed in 1 Tim. 3:8-13 The general meaning of the word deacon is attendant, servant, or minister

Deacons Only men can serve as deacons They are assigned scriptural work by the elders Benevolence, teaching, seeing to the building, VBS, etc. The deacons do not run the affairs of the church

Deacons The church is not under elders and deacons The deacons serve the Lord, his church, assist the elders etc.

Preachers All members are under the eldership, including the preacher The responsibility of the preacher is to is to “preach the word” 2 Tim. 4:2, 5; 2:2 In the N.T. preachers are never called by the title “Pastor”, “Doctor”, “Reverend” or “Father”

Members These are individuals who have heard the word of God and have obeyed the gospel Acts 2:37-38, 47 Every member is to serve God to the best of their ability---GIVING GOD THE GLORY

Members Rom. 12:4-5 “There is a work each member is to do, and which each must do….the work of each member is essential, and is for the benefit of the whole body.” Roy Deaver as quoted by James Meadows

Members Members are to: Obey the elders Heb. 13:17 Teach the lost Acts 8:4 Practice “pure religion” Js. 1:27

Conclusion The organization of the N.T. church is made up of both a divine side and a human side God—Christ---Holy Spirit—Apostles—Written Word of God Elders—deacons—preachers and members

References Tract from Truth For The World entitled “The Organization of the Church” Chart by Donnie Barnes Article by James Meadows