Carer Voice Working with Families To access the editable resources please go to
In Law The Care Act (2014) gives the same rights to carers as the people they care for. During an inspection CQC will want to know how well a service involves the person they support plus their relatives and carers. social-care/involving-people-decisions-about-their- care
In Policy The Department of Health says carers will be respected as expert care partners will be able to have a life of their own alongside their caring role. supported to stay mentally and physically well and treated with dignity. From Recognised, valued and supported: Next steps for the Carers Strategy (2010)
We work in this way by Being family centrered Agreeing with carers how we will communicate with them Taking into consideration their needs and commitments when arranging meetings Ensuring they are included in meetings and sent minutes in an agreed timeframe.
We work in this way by Responding promptly to messages Having a named worker who will keep families updated with information Keeping our own knowledge up to date so we can best advise and support carers. If we ask for feedback from carers we take time to tell them how the feedback has been used and what changes they can expect to see.
We work in this way by Add in other ways your service works with carers
How our staff work We expect that staff will always be respectful to family carers They will use the Communication Agreement and Keeping in Touch Circle to ensure carers are kept fully up to date. If you are a named worker and know you will be away you will feedback to colleagues to ensure the carers receive the information they need in your absence.
How our staff work Add in your own expectations of how your staff with work with families
How are we doing We have a survey that we share with carers to ensure we are working in a way that suits them. We use the information from this survey to improve our practice We let carers know the findings from the survey and how we are using this information.
How are we doing Add in some information here about any survey results you have so far