Altered Vascular Permeability in Migraine-associated Brain Regions: Evaluation by Dynamic Contrast-enhanced MRI Participants with migraine exhibited lower local Vp in an alleged migraine-associated region compared with healthy control subjects (0.27 mL/100 g vs 0.39 mL/100 g, respectively; P = .04). A score of ≥7 on the visual analog scale in participants with migraine was associated with Vp of ≤ 0.29 mL/100 g in the left amygdala. Lower Vp was correlated with greater intensity of headache attack (correlation coefficient, 20.34; P = .04). Coregistration between Ktrans and Vp maps and region-of-interest masks allow for a perfusion analysis of blood-brain barrier disruption. Kim YS et al. Published Online: July 2, 2019