The Evaluation Process Leading to Tenure and Promotion


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Presentation transcript:

The Evaluation Process Leading to Tenure and Promotion NFO Summer 2019 Jennifer Walsh Means Communication Sciences and Disorders PTW, Chair

PTW Committee University Wide Committee Our Role Elected tenured faculty committee with representation from all colleges (5-7 members) In addition: appointed APSCUF member, appointed former TeP member, appointed current member from Academic Affairs. Our Role Supporting faculty through the T and P process by holding training workshops Making suggestions to APSCUF and management about the T and P process Reviewing DTSMs and making recommendations

Workshops 2nd and 3rd year panel discussion (annually) Portfolio Workshops (spring) Tenure and Promotion Promotion only On-line TeP submission training Fall 2019 – candidate and reviewer On going after that as changes are made

Evaluation and T and P Process Annual reviews 4 years Fifth year Tenure and/or promotion Fall of fifth year you will apply Applying early If recommended by your committee, department chair and Dean Approved by Provost

Evaluation Committees and Individuals (slide for each) Department Evaluation Committee Department Recommendation Committee Department Chair College Dean TeP

Department Evaluation Committee Policy may be different for each department This group may be selected for you You may end up choosing members yourself Members must be tenured and not currently seeking promotion You may end up selecting folks outside of your department Must conduct 2 observations each semester This committee can change through the 5 years The chair of this committee writes your annual report Your job is to update your committee annually

Department Recommendation Committee This may also be selected for you Selected at least 15 days prior to due date of materials These 3 tenured members do not need to be the same as your department evaluation committee Reviews all faculty candidate materials in OnBase This committee will write a review and recommendation when you apply for tenure and/or promotion (one for each) Reviews all materials, submits written recommendation

Department Chair The chair cannot serve on your department evaluation or recommendation committee Completes one annual observation Completes annual report and meets with faculty member for signature Writes separate recommendations for tenure and promotion and uploads these onto OnBase Faculty member should meet with chair prior to chair making recommendation The chair shares the recommendation with the faculty member and then submits to TeP

College Dean Annual review for renewal recommendation 5th year independent recommendation for promotion Holds all original signed documents Writes promotion recommendation and uploads onto OnBase Sends all original signed documents to HR Submits recommendation regarding promotion to TeP Dean does not write a recommendation for Tenure

TeP Committee 11 tenured members representing all colleges on campus serving a 2 year term Two representatives from each of the 5 colleges and one non-classroom faculty TeP members serving as your department chair or on your department evaluation committees, may not participate in discussions and recommendations of your TeP evaluation. TeP makes a recommendation by April 1 for tenure, and April 15 for promotion (goes to candidate and president)

Tenure voting process Simply a yes or no to tenure by majority vote Meets or does not meet for each area as a first vote Second vote as overall meets or does not meet

Promotion voting process Each TeP member will assign a rating for each area out of 100 points based on the rank level The chair will calculate the median score The score will be multiplied by the weighing factor The sum of these weighting will become the final score Must be 85 or above for recommendation for promotion

President and Provost's recommendation For Tenure, TeP makes recommendation to President by April 1 and President notifies candidate by May 31st For Promotion, the Provost reviews all recommendations and submits his/her recommendation to TeP and candidate on 2/1 The President or the President’s designee will send the final recommendation before May 31 for tenure, or July 15 for promotion. Response emailed to the President.

Ranking Requirements Instructor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Full Professor

Areas of Evaluation Teaching Scholarship Service

Evaluation Criteria CBA (Collective Bargaining Agreement) Minimum Criteria are also required (in local agreement), and include such expectations as meeting classes, holding office hours, fulfilling statement of expectations, etc.

Considering the Categories (DTSM) Teaching/Professional responsibilities Teaching, Advising, AWA Scholarly Growth Presentations, publications, grants Service Department, college, university, discipline, community

Critical Documents CBA Local Policies Statement of Expectations (SoE) Department Teacher Scholar Model (DTSM)

CBA and Local Policies CBA Consistent for all PASSHE institutions Local Policies (Provost’s website under forms and policies) Tenure Policy June, 2018 Promotion Policy January, 2017 msPolicies.aspx Faculty evaluation schedule link

Statement of Expectations Developed by department chair May change depending on your responsibilities so review this annually Weights remain 50% Teaching, 35% Scholarship, 15% service These may be changed after tenure SoE should be updated every 5 years in accordance to 5 year review cycles Should include statements for each area (teaching scholarship, service) including AWA, if it is continuous and replaces teaching. Should include advising if expected

Alternative Workload Assignment Types Administrative Research grant funding for course buy out Long term Short term

DTSM – Department Teacher-Scholar Model Approved by department members Identifies the values of teacher scholar activities within the discipline(s) of the department Covers all three areas of teaching, scholarship, and service Must be consistent with the CBA Used by TeP to understand the discipline and expectations of the department Include all versions in used during your tenure and/or promotion period

SRIS Student Rating of Instructor Survey Conducted for all courses each semester. Used only if there are more than 6 students in the course Alternative evaluations for some departments (ie: student teaching and clinicals) that have been approved at Meet and Discuss These are to be included in your binder for each semester

Annual Review Contents Checklist for Performance Review Department Chairperson’s Review and observation Evaluation Committee Review Peer Observation Reports Statement of Expectations DTSM Updated CV SRIS reports for previous spring and fall

New Portfolio Process Electronic format Training dates TBD

Portfolio Format Creation of electronic binder Step 1: Upload all documents: evaluations, observations, narratives, SoE, DTSM, CV, and supplemental materials May do this at any time Step 2: The Complete Tenure/Promotion Application section Enter in all committee members, department chair, and Dean. Do this just before your due date in case the above members have changed.

Accessing OnBase Once on the WCU webpage, go to the drop down menu to Departments, then Provost Forms and Policies Three links will take you to the tenure and promoton cite: Policies: Tenure and Promotion Submission and Reviewer Process Promotion: Application for Promotion Tenure: Application for Tenure All 3 links are updated to go to the same location now: n.aspx You will see the very helpful Candidate User Guide and can click on the Access the OnBase Web Client link to get started

Onbase Support Technical Support submit a ticket using the link on the Provost’s webpage: Information Services & Technology or

User Guides Accessing Onbase Accessing current documents Uploading a document Deleting a document Submitting an application Accessing archived documents Accessing recommendation letters

TeP Tenure and Promotion page 1 - Candidate Must know before continuing Use the most recent version any of the following browsers: PC: Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Chrome Mac: Firefox or Chrome. Internet Explorer (11) Chrome (61+) Firefox (53+) Firefox ESR (45) • Safari (6.2.x, 7.1.x, 8.0.x, 9.0.x, 9.1.x) Must know before continuing Please disallow popup blockers on your computer when using the OnBase system for this process. If you do not know how to disable popup blockers on your browser, please contact the helpdesk at x3350. You must have your employee ID and your WCU username/password to proceed. Steps to Access Click Access OnBase under Applicant Links. Enter your WCU username and password. Your view will look similar to this: If not already selected, select the TeP Candidate View from the left column. When selected, it will display in blue with a checkbox next to it.

What should I do now? Read through your DTSM Update your statement of expectations if your responsibilities change Get to know your cohort member and stay in touch Focus on your teaching Create a plan of action

Planning Folders Continuing Scholarly Growth Scholarship plans Presentation and pub submissions Copies of convention programs Copies of acceptance letters (or rejections) Letters of support or thank you

Planning Folders Service Documentation of your attendance Evidence of your contribution Letters of support or thank you

What should I do over the next couple of years? STAY ORGANIZED! Collect all items as you go rather than later Meet with your evaluation committee annually before your review Attend the PTW workshops  2nd and 3rd year panel discussion Q and A with TeP members Portfolio development workshops