Image Morphing using mesh warp and feature based warp 20061152 Choi, Wook-jin
Two Dimensional Object Warping
Image Morphing
Mesh Warping Identify control points for each picture Place them in mesh matrices Iterate through each intermediary frame Find intermediary mesh for each frame Get the color mappings for this new mesh from each picture Do a weighted average of the 2 new pictures formed That is the new image for this intermediary frame
Mesh Warping
Mesh Warp Morphing
Feature-Based Warping Want to use just a set of features Rather than complete grid Feature = line drawn on the image Form intermediate feature image Simple interpolation of features Center/orientation or endpoints Map each pixel to each interpolated feature Compute associated weight
Feature-Based Warping
Warping with Multiple Line Pairs
Weighting Effect of Each Line Pair
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