What were the Causes & Impacts of Russian Revolutions? Global History & Geography 10th Grade Boys/Girls 21 October 2019 What were the Causes & Impacts of Russian Revolutions?
Long-Term Causes of Revolution Harsh rule of Alexander III & Nicholas II angered the Russian Liberals Czarist Rule No land for the peasants Didn’t grow enough food for their family Peasant Unrest Long work hours with little pay Poverty and disease Problems of the Urban Workers Long-Term Causes of Revolution GH&G - Br. Siraj 21 October 2019
Long Term Causes of Revolution Diversity & Nationalism Russia was a multinational state Czar tried Russification and forced peoples to think them as Russians But ethnic nationalism remained active GH&G - Br. Siraj 21 October 2019
Revolution of 1905 Causes Results Low spirits after defeat in 1904 war with Japan Persecution of minority groups Poverty and bad working conditions Causes “Bloody Sunday Killings Corrupt government Russian Revolution of 1905 New Voting Laws limited the Powers of the later Dumas Nicholas II dissolves the first Duma when leaders criticized the government The “October Manifesto” – Czar Nicolas II announces reforms and new freedoms Nicholas II sets up Duma, which must approve all laws Results Pogroms continued GH&G - Br. Siraj 21 October 2019
March Revolution of 1917 Russia continued to lose in World War I under Czar Nicolas There was food shortage In March 1917 riots broke out in Capital St. Petersburg Soldiers were ordered to fire on people, which they refused to obey Czar Nicholas abdicated the throne Provisional government was set up. GH&G - Br. Siraj 21 October 2019
Bolshevik Revolution of November 1917 Provisional government failed to solve Russia's problems It continued to be part of WW-I Revolutionary Socialists (Bolsheviks) set up soviets – councils of workers and soldiers all over Russia In November Bolsheviks took over Russian government under the leadership of Vladimir Illich Lenin. GH&G - Br. Siraj 21 October 2019
Lenin’s Strategy Lenin promised peace, land & bread. Bolshevik Party was renamed Communist Party Civil war broke out in Russia Bolsheviks won against Mensheviks Leon Trotsky provided military leadership Land was distributed to the peasants Workers were given control of the factories and mines Lenin’s Strategy GH&G - Br. Siraj 21 October 2019
Lenin’s Strategy Brought peace by withdrawing from WW-I In the civil war Reds won against Whites. Russia was renamed Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR). A one-party system was established New Economic Policy (NEP) was introduced and economy recovered GH&G - Br. Siraj 21 October 2019
Homework Questions 1, 2, 4, 5 & 6 on Page 737 GH&G - Br. Siraj 21 October 2019