Create a Pre-Saved Meal
Create a Pre-Saved Meal From the Menu Ribbon Select Pre-Saved Meals Select Create a Pre-Saved Meal 9/2/2019 214.427.4467
Create a Pre-Saved Meal Choose Infant or Non-Infant Meal Choose Meal Type Breakfast Lunch/Supper Snack Confirm Expected Attendance numbers are correct 9/2/2019 214.427.4467
Create a Pre-Saved Meal Name the Meal according the actual FOOD COMPONENTS in the meal Meat Alt – Peanut Butter Veg – Green Beans Fruit – Apples Milk Grain (Bread – understood by indication it is a sandwich) 9/2/2019 214.427.4467
Create a Pre-Saved Meal If a WHOLE GRAIN will be included in this meal, be sure to indicate this in the NAME of the meal 9/2/2019 214.427.4467
Create a Pre-Saved Meal Begin selecting the Meal Components from the drop down menus in the upper right Select foods from GENERAL to SPECIFIC Select the correct purchase unit Pound #10 can 32 oz jar 10 ct/45 oz et 9/2/2019 214.427.4467
Create a Pre-Saved Meal As you add food components, notice the following The drop down menus will gray out and become unavailable The meal errors will disappear as you add the component related to the error The added component will appear in the Cooking Detail grid with the description and calculations from the Food Buying Guide NOTE THAT WHOLE GRAIN COMPONENTS MUST BE SELECTED FROM THE WHOLE GRAIN MENU CenterPilot will recognize these foods as Whole Grains and credit the meal with a Whole Grain component 9/2/2019 214.427.4467
Create a Pre-Saved Meal When all components are added and the meal is complete and creditable, the SAVE button will become live allowing you to save the meal. 9/2/2019 214.427.4467
Create a Pre-Saved Meal After the meal is saved, the newly created meal will appear in the drop down menu with all other pre-saved meals of the same meal type. 9/2/2019 214.427.4467
Create a Pre-Saved Meal Presaved Meals may also be viewed from the Pre-Saved Meals List 9/2/2019 214.427.4467
Create a Pre-Saved Meal This completes the Training of Create a Pre-Saved Meal. Please continue with the next training on Create a Pre-Saved Meal Week. 9/2/2019 214.427.4467