Detector Proto-Technical board Sep 30, 2010
What is the TDR The TDR should be a reviewable document that represents the baseline for the detector. It should contain: enough technical detail to demonstrate the detector is buildable. As much engineering as feasible should go in. a detailed cost, schedule and manpower estimate It should show a collaboration that is large enough to carry the load Possibly indicating the responsibility With the TDR we should be able to start building the detector.
What needs to be done for the TDR Build the collaboration and hire needed manpower Define responsbilities Conclude detector R&D Resolve outstanding technical issues Including prototypes and beam tests Perform detailed engineering of the detector Prepare WBS down to level 5 at least With funding profile Prepare construction schedule
Building the collaboration Bottom-up Need the help of experts (you) to identify potential collaborators Organize seminars to interest people and identify areas of activity Top-down Management talks to funding agencies and senior people to stimulate participation Meetings A sort of PI meeting is foreseen in January A collaboration forming meeting in February-March
R&D and technical issues Ongoing activity needs to be concluded Beam tests foreseen for 2010 and 2011 TDR credibility is enormously enhanced if prototypes have been tested Not necessary for every single piece, but important for critical items Detector geometry needs to be defined Geometry selection task forces in operation Recommendation probably in spring 2011
Engineering The detector design needs to be fully convincing even if not complete in all details. Significant engineering is required, both at the subsystem level and at the ingegration level. Estimate of manpower exists;needs to be revisited to back the hiring requests In Italy engineering hiring is possible with the SuperB-TDR special project money. Needs to find the right people Another possibility is to subcontract to outside companies MoUs signed with SLAC, Orsay and Novosibirsk for the TDR work, so the laboratory are committed to provide resources Can INFN SuperB-TDR project provide resources to people outside Italy ? To be discussed with management.
WBS and Schedule These will represent the baseline for the construction They need to be accurate, detailed, and at the same time simple Need to accommodate European and US accounting Should be compatible with ERIC rules for inclusion in the ERIC budget Need to map activity onto responsible institution to get proper cost&manpower estimate Can only be done after some engineering
Things we need For engineering For planning For writing Chief mechanical engineer and integration team Chief electrical engineer and electronics team Subsystem engineers For planning WBS and schedule system Planning engineer For writing Editing team Collaborative editing system For communication Web and communication tools Note system Drawings database …. Many other things
Timeline Of course depends on when approval really really comes… …but having a timeline focuses process. Solar 2011 What Q1 Form collaboration. Hire engineers. Q2 Geometry definition. Start detailed design Q3 Finish prototype tests. Start detailed planning Q4 Finish design and planning. Write TDR.