The Technical Writing Process Principles of Technical Writing Process of Effective Writing Technical Style Qualities of Technical Style Introduce the unit and general topics. State that we are going to try to get to the end of Elements of style today Tips for Improving your Technical Writing Style
1. Principles of Technical Writing Know the audience you are addressing Decide your purpose before writing Start by telling your reader what you are going to tell them Write simply and concisely Go over each principle of technical writing: (see supplimentary note) Give kindergarten vs. supervisor of Ph.D.. Thesis as an example and clarify this with respect to the work place - business manager to project supervisor Stress the importance of knowing the purpose of the work Stress the importance of using a dictionary and not settling for words that almost mean what you want. Avoid jargon as much as possible Never use a word without being sure of its meaning
1. Principles of Technical Writing Make your material attractive to look at and to read Use graphics whenever they help you to convey your meaning Review, check, and edit your own work carefully by asking yourself the following questions: 1) Would I want to read what I have written? 2) What reactions can I expect from my readers? 3) Is my main message clear? 4) Have I answered the who, what, why, where and how that my readers might ask? Stress the importance of content as well as presentation
2. Process of Effective Writing 2.1: Define the Purpose: Decide why you are writing this communication Prepare a ‘Thesis Statement’ which in one sentence states your main message Post it in your workspace Decide to whom you are addressing the message and assess their needs by asking yourself: See slide 1) What do they already know? 2) What do they need to know from me?
2. Process of Effective Writing 2.2: Investigate: Determine all the possible sources of information Obtain all of the facts relevant to your purpose Analyse your information Sift through your analysis and discard any information that does not address your purpose See slide Prepare rough tables, graphs, and other analyses that aid in the development of your purpose
2. Process of Effective Writing 2.3: Plan: Re-gather all of the relevant facts and organize them in a logical manner for presentation Establish an appropriate subject-development to portray your main message: Suggestion - Chronological Approach - Logical Order - Scientific Method ... See slide Use the Big Paper Planning approach if you have trouble with this stage
On 1 very large piece of paper (16” x 14”) 2. Process of Effective Writing Big Paper Planning: Step 2: Group Ideas Step 1: Generate Ideas Step 3: Sequence Groups Step 5: Develop Links Step 4: Sequence Sub-groups Step 6: Fill in Missing Links Idea 3 Idea 9 Idea 3 Idea 9 Idea 3 Idea 9 Idea 1 Link Idea 2 Idea 6 Idea 1 Idea 7 Idea 5 Idea 2 Idea 2 Idea 5 Idea 9 Idea 3 Missing Link Idea 10 Idea 8 Idea 10 Idea 4 Idea 8 Idea 4 Idea 10 Idea 6 Idea 8 Idea 10 Idea 4 New Idea Idea 7 Link Demonstrate big paper Idea 6 Idea 1 Idea 7 Idea 1 Idea 6 Idea 7 Idea 8 Idea 4 Idea 5 Idea 2 Idea 5 On 1 very large piece of paper (16” x 14”)
2. Process of Effective Writing Big Paper Planning: idea brainstorm On 1 very large piece of paper (16” x 14”) Chunk your ideas into groups Sequence the groups Sub-divide the groups and sequence the sub-groups Demonstrate big paper Check for adequate links Fill in missing connections with additional information
2. Process of Effective Writing 2.4: Write: Write the first draft using simple words and short sentences Remember your intended audience Use appropriate sectioning based upon the document type See slide Integrate tables, graphs, and other illustrations into the text
2. Process of Effective Writing 2.4: Write: Write as continuously as possible in comfortable surroundings See slide
2. Process of Effective Writing 2.5: Delay: Allow the draft to sit as long as possible without revision See slide
2. Process of Effective Writing 2.5: Revise: Read the text aloud - Does it make sense? Ensure that the text is clear, concise, complete correct, and reliable Ensure that the main message has been communicated See slide Ensure that all credits have been given to sources Obtain and use feedback from external sources
Style is defined as the way a communicator: 3. Technical Style Style is defined as the way a communicator: - puts words together in sentences - arranges those sentences into paragraphs - groups paragraphs into sections See slide to ensure that the communication is conveyed in the intended manner
Technical Writing Style is characterized by: 3. Technical Style Technical Writing Style is characterized by: - a calm, restrained tone, regardless of formality - use of active voice where possible - integrated use of illustrations, graphs, charts, and tables See slide - use of well-defined abbreviations and symbols
to communicate information 3. Technical Style Technical Writing Style is characterized by: - a definite functional purpose - to communicate information See slide
Technical Writing Style is characterized by: 3. Technical Style Technical Writing Style is characterized by: Style reflects both intrinsic and extrinsic qualities of the communication: Intrinsic Qualities Extrinsic Qualities - Objective - Impersonal - Restrained - Honest - Gender-neutral - Clear - Concise - Focused - Consequential See slide
4. Qualities of Technical Style 4.1. Being Clear: Coherent - Establish logical connections between your ideas Coordinated - Arrange your ideas in a logical order Talk about a decision to spell in Canadian, American, or British Consistent - Present your ideas in the same general format Correct - Check your spelling, punctuation and grammar
4. Qualities of Technical Style 4.2. Being Concise: Choose your words carefully so that you can get the most out of them. Make sure that they are: - Short - Specific - Necessary See slide
4. Qualities of Technical Style 4.3. Being Focused: State your problem definition and stick to describing and solving that problem Can time-frequency transforms be used to track trends with fatigue in dynamic muscle contractions? Post it! Suggestion See slide
4. Qualities of Technical Style 4.4. Being Consequential: Make sure that the content in your document is complete, reliable, and aimed at an appropriate level See slide