Science Root Words.


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Presentation transcript:

Science Root Words

Warm Up #5 What does biology mean?

Bio-logy (LIFE)- (THE STUDY OF)

Assignment In your composition notebook you are writing the root word, its meaning, and an example of this word related to Biology. (example is on the next slide)

A, an Without, not Example: Asymmetry

ambi On both sides

amphi Both,doubly

Andro Male, masculine

Ante Before, in front of

Anti Against

Aqua Water

Archeo Original, ancient


Auto Self

Bi Two, twice, double

Bio Life, living


Chromo Color

Cide Killer, killing

Circum, Circa Around, about

Corpus Body

Crypto Hidden

Cyte, Cyto Cell, hollow

Derm, Dermis Skin

Di Two, double

Dys Bad

E, ex, ef, ex Out of, from

Ecto Outside of, external

Endon, endo In, internal

Epi Upon, above

erythros Red

Exo Outer, external

Gam, Gamo Marriage, sexual

Genesis, genic Origin, birth, producing

Genos, gen, geny Race, kind

Herba Grass, plants

Heteros Different, other

homo Man

Homos, Homeos Alike, same

Hydro, Hudor Water

Hyper Above, beyond

HYPO Below, under

INTRA Within, inside

itis Disease, Inflammation

Logos, logy The study of

Lys, Lysis Dissolution, destruction

Mikros, Micro Small

Monos One, single

Morphe Form, shape

Neuro Nerve

oo Beginning, egg

Ovum, ovi Egg

Para Beside, near

Pedi Beginning, child

Pes, Pedis, Pod Foot

Photo, phos, phot Light

Post After, behind

Semi Half

Skleros Hard

Soma Body

Sub, sup Below, under, smaller than

Super Above, Upper

Supra Above, upon

Tetra Four

Tox, toxikon Poison

Tri Three

Trophe To feed or eat

Uni, Unis One

Zo, zoon Animal