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1. addendum uh DEN dum Part of Speech- Definition- something added, usually to a book Synonym- addition, supplement Antonym- Sentence-
2. anthology an THAH luh gee Part of Speech- Definition- Synonym- Antonym- novel Sentence-
3. bellicose bELL uh kose Part of Speech- Definition- inclined or eager to fight; aggressively hostile Synonym- Antonym- Sentence-
4. bizarre buh ZAR Part of Speech- Definition- Synonym- Antonym- ordinary Sentence- Snow in May is a bizarre occurrence for Texans.
5. cognizant KOG nuh zunt Part of Speech- Definition- aware, having knowledge Synonym- Antonym- Sentence- I am cognizant of the importance of this situation.
6. declaim deh KLAME Part of Speech- verb Definition- to speak aloud in an oratorical manner; make a formal speech Synonym- Antonym- to mention Sentence-
7. Equanimity ee kwuh NIM uh tee Part of Speech- Definition- a calm temper, an even disposition Synonym- Antonym- Sentence-The rude behavior of the students did not disturb his equanimity.
8. eschew es SHOE Part of Speech- Definition- to avoid or to shun Synonym- Antonym- to confront Sentence-
9. exigent EK seh junt Part of Speech- Definition- urgent, requiring immediate attention Synonym- Antonym- Sentence-The exigent situation required immediate attention.
10. hone HONE Part of Speech- Definition-to sharpen, to make more intense, to make more effective Synonym- Antonym- Sentence-
11. imbue im BYOO Part of Speech- Definition- Synonym- charge, infect, permeate, infuse Antonym- Sentence- The scholar was imbued with the teachings of the philosopher.
12. intemperance in TEM pur uns Part of Speech- Definition- lack of moderation (usually relating to drinking alcohol) Synonym- Antonym- Sentence- Some fraternity members are known for their intemperance.
13. intrepid in TREP id Part of Speech- Definition- fearless Synonym- Antonym- Sentence- The intrepid fireman rushed into the burning house and saved the baby.
14. levitate LEV eh tate Part of Speech- Definition- Synonym- Antonym- to cause to fall, to descend Sentence-The magician began his show by making a volunteer from the audience levitate.
15. moribund MORE eh bund Part of Speech- Definition- close to death Synonym- Antonym- Sentence-
16. pluralism PLOOR uh liz um Part of Speech- Definition- condition when many cultures coexist in one society Synonym- Antonym- segregation Sentence-
17. portly PORT lee Part of Speech- Definition- heavy or rotund in a stately manner, stout Synonym- Antonym- Sentence- Winston Churchill was the portly prime minister of England during World War II.
18. resplendent reh SPLEN dunt Part of Speech- Definition- brilliant, shining Synonym- sublime, superb Antonym- Sentence- The resplendent fireworks display pleased the Fourth of July crowd.
19. retrogress REH truh gres Part of Speech- Definition-to move backward, to degenerate Synonym- Antonym- Sentence-
20. snippet SNIP it Part of Speech- Definition- a small amount, morsel Synonym- Antonym- Sentence- The professor learned mere snippets about the tribes he had visited.
21. subvert sub VURT Part of Speech- Definition- Synonym- demolish, alienate, overturn, defeat Antonym- Sentence- The revolution began when several citizens joined together in an effort to subvert their own government
22. sybarite SIB uh rite Part of Speech- noun Definition- a person devoted to luxury Synonym- Antonym- Sentence-
23. toady TOE dee Part of Speech- Definition- a flatterer Synonym- fawner, yes-man Antonym- Sentence- The man flattered the woman so much that he appeared like a toady.
24. upbraid up BRADE Part of Speech- verb Definition- to scold harshly, to reproach Synonym- Antonym- to praise Sentence-
25. willful WIL fu Part of Speech- Definition- unruly, self-willed in an obstinate manner Synonym- Antonym- Sentence-