Write a Thesis for each prompt Compare and contrast the status of women in Islam during the pre-Islamic period and the Abbasid Empire. Compare and contrast Hinduism’s relationship to regional politics and Buddhism’s relationship to regional politics. Compare and contrast the Diffusion of Buddhism with the spread of any 1 other religion studied in class. Choose any 2 religions studied in class and explain their social or cultural similarities and differences. Compare and contrast Islam and Christianity using TWO of the following criteria: Dogma, Relation to the state, Religious prophets, Role of women
Extra Credit Writing Opportunity What are the Four Noble Truths and why are they important to Buddhism? Why and how do religions culturally diffuse? Which religions diffused more than others? Why do the religions of Shintoism and Zoroastrianism remain in Japan and Persia (respectively)? Choose two religions and explain their major religious divisions. What are the causes of such religious divisions?