Name of Person / Location Name of Country Image (can be from the internet, but worth more effort to draw (trace or sketch) by hand and add color / shading) Name of Person / Location Birthdate–death date/other detail Category of History: Important details: See suggested details below Include where, when, who, what, why (reasons) or how (steps involved) Places of importance – example: where was person from Dates of importance People of importance Importance events / problems faced Why – what caused it How did it happen / did things change Category of History Level of Impact 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Reasoning:
Name of Person / Location Name of Country Image (can be from the internet, but worth more effort to draw (trace or sketch) by hand and add color / shading) Name of Person / Location Birthdate–death date/other detail Category of History: Important details: See suggested details below Include where, when, who, what, why (reasons) or how (steps involved) Places of importance – example: where was person from Dates of importance People of importance Importance events / problems faced Why – what caused it How did it happen / did things change Category of History Level of Impact 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Reasoning: