Polarized He3 Target Upgrade (Stage I) for A1n/d2n Stage I goal: 30 uA on 40 cm , ~10 atm, L ~ 2.2x1036 cm-2s-1 In-beam polarization ~60%, Polarization measurement precision~ 3% Experiments: A1n Hall C (high impact), d2n in Hall C Approaches: Re-use existing Helmholtz coils and most existing hardware, electronics and optics Convection flow Target cell, pumping chamber size 3.5”, glass cell (optional: one metal-end window cell to prepare for future experiments, possibly can take higher current) Polarimetry ~ aim for 3%, Pulse NMR calibrated with AFP NMR (pNMR at both transfer tube and target chamber, need good field gradient), pNMR is not absolutely required by it can be done more often online; absolute calibration with EPR (need 2% kappa_0) and AFP-NMR with water calibration in the Hall (is water calib in the hall optional or required? Will at least make it work in the target lab) Modification to Hall C pivot area and new platform/laser optics line Project mostly complete. Started preparation for hall installation identifying installation requirements: space, shielding, electronics, cables, …
Stage I Progress Summary Engineering/Design: target design complete installation design ongoing Field gradients at target area: Tosca for Bender field at target region done work just started to have target field combined with and Bender magnet Target cells prototyping convection cell extensively tested, cell production started 1st good cell: lifetime > 48 hours, tested at Uva five cell production ordered and started, will need more eventually (need 2nd round of production), testing at UVa+JLab water cell production? Reference cells system/gas control (Todd?) Ref cell production? (have one 40-cm old one) Spare parts (electronics, etc? depending on funding… may need university support, – need wish list)
Stage I Progress Summary (cont.) New Oven Manufactured/Installed/Tested Lasers/long optical fibers: five Raytum lasers delivered/tested will order more as spares and for future long fibers delivered, tested, conduit installed 5-1 combiners ordered, work with vender to resolve issues polarization compensation study complete Polarimetry: pulse NMR systematic study (Nguyen Ton) absolute calibration with EPR study (Kai Jin) 0 measurement (UVa/W&M) in progress
Vertical Correction Coils
Gradient from HB Tosca Modeling by Steven Lassiter
Target Control System Layout/Electronics/Cables
ERR Charges 1) Maximum Current and Target dimensions; 30 uA/40 cm (Higher for optics?) 2.a) see previous slides 2.b) Configuration is known, including laser Interlock system in the hall. LSOP started discuss with Bert. 3) See previous slides: HB field under control. Looking into HB steel effect. 5) Need students working on target (two UVa students are ramping down their effort on the target), Reference system: Todd? 8) LSOP see 2.b)