NM OSAP Recipients Meeting August 20, 2019 Supplemental Materials to Accompany Meeting
Key State-wide Survey Instruments New Mexico Community Survey Required for all programs Adults 18 and older Collected in the spring throughout the community English and Spanish Annual Strategies for Success (ASFS) For Community-Based Prevention Providers (voluntary + PFS 15 counties) Middle School & High School versions; 6th – 12th grades Collected once a year Spanish & English Baseline & Post Strategies for Success (BP SFS) Required for all Direct Service Providers Collected at beginning and end of an intervention Middle School & High School versions; 6th – 12th grades Spanish & English Can be found at: www.NMPrevention.org Tools, syntax, data entry forms, protocols Statewide reports for each tool (local reports only available from program
Fiscal Year 2019: New Mexico Community Survey Data
Frequency of Survey Respondents by Survey Type in 2019 % NM Counties Represented PAPER- Convenience 5108 42.3 29 On-line- Facebook 3644 30.1 33 Qualtrics App 732 6.1 23 Other (online link or QR code) 2605 21.5 32 Total 12,089 100.0% *This represents the # of counties for both the Qualtrics App and other categories
Convenience Sample Demographics: Gender and Race/Ethnicity Actual % Census % Male 4215 35.8 49.1 Female 7575 64.3 50.9 Non-Hispanic White 4223 34.9 41.0 Hispanic 5342 44.2 45.8 Native American 1868 15.5 8.4 Other 656 5.4 4.8
Convenience Sample Demographics: Age Age Group N Actual % Census % 18-20 1231 10.2 5.2 21-25 1275 10.6 8.9 26-30 1180 9.8 31-40 2240 18.5 16.6 41-50 1953 16.2 14.6 51-60 2019 16.7 16.5 61-70 1469 12.2 15.6 70+ 722 6.0 13.7
Facebook Sample Demographics: Gender and Race/Ethnicity Actual % Census % Male 947 23.9 49.1 Female 3017 76.1 50.9 Non-Hispanic White 1791 44.5 41.0 Hispanic 1807 44.9 45.8 Native American 262 6.5 8.4 Other 169 4.2 4.8
Facebook Sample Demographics: Age Age Group N Actual % Census % 18-20 132 3.2 5.2 21-25 212 5.3 8.9 26-30 326 8.1 31-40 864 21.4 16.6 41-50 849 21.1 14.6 51-60 891 22.1 16.5 61-70 610 15.1 15.6 70+ 145 3.6 13.7
Demographics Describing the Sample
Demographics: Gender All estimates of demographics and substance use are Weighted Estimates - to match NM age, gender, and race/ethnic distribution in the state Male/female is 50/50 when the data are weighted. Otherwise, about 40/60.
Demographics: Age
Demographics: Race and Ethnicity
Demographics: Educational Attainment Census – age break down is different We have more educated
Demographics: Military & LGBTQ Status
Demographics: Length of timing living in NM
Alcohol Outcomes
Alcohol Indicators: Whole Sample & Gender
Alcohol Indicators: Race/Ethnicity
Alcohol Indicators: Age
Alcohol Indicators: Military and LGBTQ Status
Prescription Pain Killer Outcomes
Rx Painkiller Indicators: Whole sample & gender
Rx Painkiller Indicators: Whole sample & gender
Rx Painkiller Indicators: Age Range
Rx Painkiller Indicators: Age Range
Rx Painkiller Indicators: Race/Ethnicity
Rx Painkiller Indicators: Race/Ethnicity
Rx Painkiller Indicators: Military & LGBTq Status
NMCS Rx Opioid measures: Trends over the past 6 years
NMCS Rx Opioid measures: Trends over the past 6 years
Rx Painkiller Indicators: Access to naloxone Outcomes % of Yes Don’t Know When having been prescribed painkillers last year… Were prescribed naloxone as well (n=2,078) 5.6 6.7 Healthcare provider talked about risks in using Rx painkillers (n=2,742) 50.8 NA Pharmacy staff talked about risks in using Rx painkillers (n=2,742) 32.0 Healthcare provider talked about storing them safely (n=2,742) 33.2 Pharmacy staff talked about storing them safely (n=2,742) 24.6 Have access to naloxone when having used painkillers to get high in the past 30 days (n=564) 12.5
Fiscal Year 2019: Annual Strategies for Success Preliminary Results
HIGH SCHOOL ASFS- Sample Total Eligible N = 4,354 3.7% identified as housing unstable Grade N 8th grade 13 9th grade 1517 10th grade 1135 11th grade 994 12th grade 677
MIDDLE SCHOOL ASFS- SAmple Total Eligible N = 4,710 Grade n 6th grade 1336 7th grade 1642 8th grade 1675 9th grade 12 6.1% identified as housing unstable
Middle School : Lifetime Alcohol & Marijuana Use
Middle School : Current cigarette use
Middle School: Current alcohol use
Middle School: Current other drug use
High School: Current Cigarette and E-Cigarette Use
High School: Current Chewing Tobacco and Hookah Use
High School: Current Alcohol Use
High School: Current Other Drug Use
High School: Drinking and Driving