Box-and-whisker and Bland-Altman plots demonstrate that rCBFDC is ≤rCBFMS in suspected penumbra (TAR) regions of interest and rCBVDC is ≥rCBVMS in suspected core (NVT) regions of interest. Box-and-whisker and Bland-Altman plots demonstrate that rCBFDC is ≤rCBFMS in suspected penumbra (TAR) regions of interest and rCBVDC is ≥rCBVMS in suspected core (NVT) regions of interest. While there is no slope (no significant relationship between method difference and size of measurement) for CBF, for CBV, there is a positive slope in all regions of interest (proportional difference). B. Abels et al. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 2010;31:1690-1698 ©2010 by American Society of Neuroradiology