The Medieval Church n lieu of a traditional test you will be responsible for creating your own illuminated acrostic. It should illustrate the social, political and economic changes during The Age of Faith
he word you will use will be CATHEDRAL. Each letter of the word CATHEDRAL will have to be illuminated and begin a paragraph explanation of information covered in the chapter about the power of the Medieval church. Use vocabulary from the power points, lectures, and text book
ach vocabulary word must be Underlined or highlighted. There must be at least 3 Vocabulary words used in each paragraph explanation. In the paragraphs you must explain the vocabulary words at well. Remember a paragraph is at least 6 sentences long! Your information must also include important people, events, dates. Explain why remembered—how it affected history.
emember the examples we did in class. Each beginning letter of the word CATHEDRAL must be Illuminated with pictures that reflect the content Of the paragraph that it starts. Example he church maintained a balance of daily, social and political life by having its own courts. These courts provided canon law which included laws concerning: marriage, divorce and wills.
rades: You will be graded using the following: Vocabulary: at least 3 per paragraph, underlined or high lighted and defined Paragraphs: 9 paragraphs one for each letter that explains the church’s involvement in daily, social, political and economic aspects of Medieval life. Dates and people are used to show relevance of information. DETAILS! Explain why are these people remembered in history> How did they affect it?
Illuminated letters: each letter of the word CATHEDRAL is illuminated with pictures that relate to the content with in the paragraph. It can be pictures or symbols. It can be pictures of the people described in the paragraph.
oints: Vocabulary: 27 pts Paragraphs: 54 pts (6 sentences per paragraph for full credit) Illuminated letters: 27 Total: 108 Be creative and have fun