The 2019 Grand Lodge of Arizona F. & A.M Leadership Retreat Presenter: WB Dwayne Hoyt Prometheus Lodge #87 F&AM Gilbert Arizona
The 2019 Grand Lodge of Arizona F. & A.M Leadership Retreat Fundraisers & New Ideas
Contents What types of fundraisers Lodges have done New ideas at Prometheus 87 Past experiences at Prometheus 87 Dual Lodge Events and why Lodge Location Advertising Communications Committee
Types of fundraisers Who here has done a fundraiser? What have you done? Same fundraiser every year? New fundraiser ideas? Personal or Masonic?
Types of fundraisers Gun Raffle Barbeque Degrees (outdoor) If it works keep doing it, if it's not broke, don’t fix it, but add new ideas each year to keep it fresh. I’m not here to tell you what to do, I am telling what works for Prometheus !
New ideas & a simple phone call
Prometheus: new ideas Lodge fundraising form (business plan) Presented to the Trustees and they vote If passed, it is brought to the next Stated Meeting This gives the Lodge and Brothers a voice and a vote If passed, the Brother who submitted the form, becomes the Chair or Lead for that Event
Prometheus: new ideas Chili Cook Off Competition Chili, Corn Bread, Salsa Entry fee to enter Winners receives an award Jail & bail fundraiser
Prometheus: new ideas Makeshift jail $1.00 to $5.00 to jail The more you pay, the longer they stay! Have a CC payment ready
Prometheus: new ideas The Brother who spent the most time in jail, wears a prison costume at the next Stated Meeting!
Prometheus: new ideas Fighter Combat Plane ride in an X-300 It cost $450.00 45 Minute ride Learn how to perform Prometheus: new ideas
Prometheus: new ideas Plane Ride and Golf Event Operation Welcome Home Vietnam Wall George Washington Gavel Raised $1,000 - 1 day Prometheus: new ideas Having a committee to run a large event helps!
Prometheus: a simple phone call Call up a Brother from another Lodge See what they have planned Personal Masonic
Prometheus: a simple phone call Free booth Selling shirts, challenge coins, plane ride Water with our lodge logo Part of the proceeds go to the event Prometheus: a simple phone call
Prometheus: a simple phone call Prometheus Squires Youth Group Free booth Selling Squires items Part of the proceeds go to the event The event coordinator was excited that the Freemasons are now involved! Prometheus: a simple phone call
Past experiences
Prometheus: past experiences Timing is everything! Family Fun Night Glow Golf Bowling Arcade Movie 20% goes back to Lodge Timing is everything! Agree in Lodge on a date to get the maximum attendance! Prometheus: past experiences
Dual lodge events
Dual lodge event Who’s done a Dual Lodge event? Degrees? Barbecue? Other Event?
Dual lodge event: Mark Master Degree 2018: Prometheus 87 & oriental 20 Contacted the York Rite We asked each Lodge: Do you want to do this? This gave the Brethren a voice and a vote Oriental 20 and Prometheus 87 picked 1 candidate from each Lodge 40 Brethren in attendance 20 of them were Candidates This also promotes traveling Dual Lodge events bring in more visitors !
Dual lodge event: Halloween event Prometheus 87 & oriental 20 Halloween Haunted Lodge burgers and dogs bouncy house Lodge haunted walkthrough $5.00 per plate? Events like this should be open to the public ! Dual lodge event: Halloween event Prometheus 87 & oriental 20
Dual lodge event: 2018 degree in the desert Prometheus 87 King Solomon 5 Brings in more visitors 7 Lodges represented Manitoba and New Zealand Dual lodge event: 2018 degree in the desert
Dual lodge event: 2018 degree in the desert What does have to do with Fundraising? Dual lodge event: 2018 degree in the desert
Dual lodge event: 2019 degree in the desert: the gallows Tombstone Courthouse $40 Entry Fee Barbeque Dinner Door gifts 2 Raffle tickets More can be purchased $5 a piece Having a committee to run a large event helps!
Dual lodge event: 2019 degree in the desert: the gallows Prizes Prizes donated Western items Wyatt Earp Gun (replica) Having a committee to run a large event helps!
Dual lodge event: 2019 degree in the desert: the gallows Part of the proceeds go To the Tombstone Courthouse State Historic Park Possible display of the History of Freemasonry in Tombstone in the museum Dual lodge event: 2019 degree in the desert: the gallows Having a committee to run a large event helps!
Lodge location
When and where to hold an event? Lodge location Isolated? Several miles away? How to get the word out? When and where to hold an event? Ask Brethren who are isolated and what they do?
Lodge location Who here is an isolated Lodge? Nearest Lodge to you? How do you get the word out to them and the community? When and where do you hold most of your events? Ask Brethren who are isolated and what they do?
Lodge location Advertise local newspaper Use of emails Social media Involvement Committee Search local events
advertising Who here has Advertised? What have you advertised on? Facebook Instagram Twitter
advertising Prometheus 87 advertised in 2018 Facebook boost 2B1ASK1 10 candidates Cost? $50.00
advertising Prometheus 87 advertised in 2018 Facebook & Instagram Education: Knights Templar in North America Cost? $0.00 31visitors
advertising Prometheus 87 advertised in 2018 Facebook & Instagram Education: History of Freemasonry in Tombstone Arizona Cost? $0.00 We stop counting a 41 visitors
advertising Adverting can be as little as $20.00 Degrees Family Events Education Fundraisers 2018 we averaged just over 30 visitors on the nights we held education
advertising Our attendance numbers doubled when we used Social Media as our main platform to advertise our events !
communications committee
Communications committee Worshipful Master (if he desires to) Senior Warden Junior Warden Secretary Trustee 1 non-Officer
Communications committee One person cannot handle everything ! Keep an updated calendar!
If you ever want to do an event, Prometheus will try and be there If you ever want to do an event, Prometheus will try and be there. We did 10 official visits in 2018.
What works for Prometheus 87 may not work for you What works for Prometheus 87 may not work for you. Find out what works for you and your community !
Thank You !