Ministry of Education and Human Resource Development Official Release of the Results of the 2019 GRADE 6 NATIONAL ASSESSMENTS
2019 GRADE 6 NATIONAL ASSESSMENT Results summary
ENTRY Sex E N S W Total Girls 48 98 65 230 441 Boys 49 88 58 199 394 Grand Total 97 186 123 429 835 Largest entry is from the western district which has some 45% of the total entry
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Mean raw score by gender 2019 LA 1 LA 2 M SS SC No. Girls 40.01 26.72 37.57 29.43 31.53 441 Boys 36.42 23.86 35.9 27.08 30.22 394 All 38.31 25.37 36.78 28.32 30.91 835 2018 There are significant gender differences. These are most marked in language arts and mathematics - (2014) 41.65, 25.93, 39.25, 36.94, 36.41 LA 1 LA 2 M SS SC Girls 40.47 26.82 39.05 31.09 33.5 Boys 36.02 23.99 36.68 29.07 31.99 All 38.2 25.38 37.84 30.06 32.73 No. 459 478 937
Mean raw score by district 2019 LA1/60 LA2/40 MATH/60 SOC/50 SCI/50 East 35.05 26.28* 33.18 25.15 29 North 39.35* 25.22 36.55 28.61 31.52 South 35.7* 22.98* 34.6 25.69 29.58 West 39.35 25.91 38.32 29.67 31.47 All 38.31 25.37 36.78 28.32 30.91 2018 Performance is the western district is, on average, superior to those of the other districts. LA1/60 LA2/40 MATH/60 SOC/50 SCI/50 East 36.5 25.28 36.66 28.66 31.39 North 37.18 25.41 37.81 29.53 32.49 South 34.83 22.82 34.94 28.1 31.28 West 40.46 26.35 39.28 31.46 33.77 All 38.2 25.38 37.84 30.06 32.73
Maths distribution of grades C D E Girls 48 103 175 76 39 Boys 28 96 149 73 All 199 324 87 Girls Continue to outperform boys in every area Girls Continue to outperform boys in every area
Distribution of Math Scores Scores Math are positively skewed, with relatively small numbers of students obtaining low scores
LA distribution of grades C D E Number F 49 103 222 40 26 440 M 19 64 197 59 55 394 All 68 167 419 99 81 834 Gender disparities continue with More girls receiving the higher grades and more boys receiving D’s and E’s. 30% of students in LA 1 obtained A or B grades as compared to 20% getting D or E grades. Girls performed markedly better than boys on this paper.
LA Score distribution
Percent students scoring <40% 2019 LA 1 LA 2 M Sc SS Girls 6.5 6.3 13.8 12.7 10.2 Boys 13.7 18 21.5 11.7 All 9.9 9.3 15.9 16.9 10.9 Generally around 5% of girls (less than 30 nationally) had very low scores, as compared to 15-20% of boys.
Graphic showing percent of students with weak performance
Graphic showing percent of students with strong performance
Relationship of school performance with school size School size does not have impact on performance!
Relationship of school performance with school size Results again show that there is no direct relationship between school size Some small schools outperformed some of the larger schools Likewise, some large schools outperform some of the smaller schools.
Top performing schools 2019 Total Std. No. PioneerPreparatorySchool 453.7 10 LighthouseChristianAcademy 440.3 2 PenvillePrimary 436.1 8 ChristianUnionPrimary 435.6 12 DelicesPrimaryschool 434.5 ConventPreparatory 432.4 48 WarnerPrimary 429.6 3 BereanChristianAcademy 429.1 5 DublancPrimary 427.5 4 St.MartinPrimary 423.6 90 BellesPrimary 421.5 7