ARCHIE BRIGGS Traffic Calming Archie Briggs Rd Safety Campaign RimRock West Association April 10, 2019
Problem Statement Roadway status Road Safety - Steep grade - Many sharp corners - County road standard (no sidewalk, bike lane, shoulders) - School bus route - USPS Mailboxes - Driveway and community road intersections - 3 trail crossings Road Safety Volume increase Frequent Speeding Lane Indiscipline
Transportation Systems Plan: CTAC - Road safety #1 Background Transportation Systems Plan: CTAC - Road safety #1 Archie Briggs Area 1 Priority Meetings - David Abbas. Director, Bend City Streets and Maintenance Janet Hruby. Traffic Engineer, Bend City. Findings Traffic Calming program ~$200,000 Mid Year start NLA prioritization
3 phase approach. City Policy change and roadway alteration.* PETITION Re-designate Archie Briggs as Residential Street. Delay bridge reconstruction until roadway improvements. Construct speed cushions. Crash barriers 5. Crosswalks City Road Safety Program* REQUEST Permanent Speed monitors. Lane Dividers and edge markers. Speed Limit signs with motion triggered lights. Local Improvement District PETITION Last resort. Permanent traffic calming measures as affordable. * Parallel initiatives
Speed Cushions
Crash Barriers, Lane Dividers, Rumble Bars
Traffic Signs
The Plan Engagement Campaign – all Archie Briggs residents. Door hangers with background and proposed remedies. Community survey. Petition for change. Website. Next Steps. Distribute survey. Circulate petition/collect signatures. Submit Letter of Intent to City/NLA for program Traffic Calming funding. Submit petition. Lobby for Action.