Carotid Endarterectomy Benjamin S. Brooke, MD, PhD, FACS, FSVS Chief, Division of Vascular Surgery University of Utah School of Medicine
Agenda: I. Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria II. Anatomy & Physiology Overview III. Live abstraction
Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria: Conventional or eversion endarterectomy of the carotid bifurcation that extends into the internal carotid artery. Both primary and redo operations are included, and specified on the data form. Include any disease of the internal carotid. Concomitant procedures such as CABG or proximal carotid stenting are specified on the data form and during the same OR session. Exclusions: o Isolated common or external carotid endarterectomy that does not involve the internal carotid artery, or bypass grafts for carotid disease. Such procedures are infrequently performed and should not be grouped with carotid Endarterectomy. Operations for infected patches or other infectious etiologies are also excluded. o Carotid pseudoaneurysm o Exclude CEA/CABG cases where the CABG is planned on a different day during the same admission
Carotid Artery Anatomy
Carotid Anatomy and Physiology Source: Wikimedia Commons
Q2: Rationale for Answer
Conventional Endarterectomy
Eversion Endarterectomy
Case Abstraction: Summary 75 yo female developed amaurosis fugax of the right eye. Went to see her Opthamologist who referred her for carotid duplex on 11/10. Carotid duplex demonstrated 70-99% stenosis at the right carotid artery bifurcation Right carotid endartectomy on 11/20.
Case Abstraction: USER: VAM2019 Password: #1registry Patient Last Name: CEA