High Tech Farming : Hydroponics
What's hydroponics ? - a technique of growing plants (without soil) in water containing dissolved nutrients
-Usually takes place in or around densely populated urban areas where land is limited & costly (Eg: Singapore) -Singapore can increase self-sufficiency so that it can reduce its dependence on imports.
Inputs Physical: -Sunlight/Shade -Land Human: -High capital inputs (Farms have special buildings such as shelters and greenhouses to crate conditions ideal for plant growth-installation of new technologies like computers & automatic devices are needed) -High technology -Knowledge driven
Processes - Germinating seeds in a dark room - Transplanting to growing troughs - Adding nutrient solution using computers - Monitoring plant growth using computers -Harvesting (manually) - Packaging and refrigerated transport
Outputs -Produce a variety of other outputs that are generally of high quality. -Includes vegetables, flowers, fruits, eggs, dairy products, ornamental fish for both local and overseas markets.
-High capital investment Challenges Faced -High capital investment -Shortage of trained workers (educated workforce but people are unwilling to work as high tech farmers) -Competition from imported fruits and vegetables, discouraging high-tech farmers from expanding their operations
Inspiring Discovery in Geography 2B References www.google.com.sg/search?hl=en&defl=en&q=define:hydroponics&ei=cOvhSYzTKYWdkAWr7IzWCw&sa=X&oi=glossary_definition&ct=title http://www.fbs.leeds.ac.uk/garden/photos/Tomato-Hydroponics.jpg http://www.hydroponics.co.nz/images/large/EDENVALE-italian-parsley2.jpg http://www.futuregarden.com/images_promo/hydroponics_200px.jpg http://www.flickr.com/photos/dolphing/2344884428/ http://www.crescent.edu.sg/ipw/2000/sec2/22g1-hydroponics/ad_dis.htm http://www.istockphoto.com/file_thumbview_approve/1873141/2/istockphoto_1873141_baby_bok_choy.jpg Inspiring Discovery in Geography 2B