TA/Senior Grader Responsibilities CSCE 315 Prof. Lupoli
Labs Exercises in labs are mostly done in groups Coverage Grading (and attendance) Super easy, here’s why, but here’s how. Edit and Updates Very important Complete Survey at the end of each lab TOPIC Let me know how things went
Labs (continued) Might have to create a few exercises Need to review the material and lesson plan BEFORE the class 50 minutes per lab 2 labs per week
Projects Monitor Piazza
Assessments (Exams) Creation 100 questions, T/F, MC, small code Something easy for BlackBoard to grade Need to make sure the questions in the test are really covered
Daily Schedule Check email from students Check Piazza Must be watched, could turn cancerous Contact me if any issues
Lab Day Schedule Before Lab Review Print Lab Exercises Lesson Plan Videos assigned to students Print Lab Exercises Each exercise should be on a single page Print each exercise on a different color paper i.e. 3 exercises, 3 pages, 3 different colors
Weekly Schedule TA Vivek Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednes Thursday Friday Saturday Conduct lab Check Piazza midday Prep for Lab Other work assigned Check Pizza afternoon Print labs for all, mailboxes Complete lab survey Text Instructor about lab Place grades in BB
Weekly Schedule TA Jinhao Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednes Thursday Friday Saturday Conduct lab Check Piazza midday Other work assigned Prep for Lab Check Pizza afternoon Complete lab survey Text Instructor about lab Place grades in BB
Take a look at BB (Ecampus) Place everyone in ECampus as TAs
Things to do now Give me your cell phone # Prof. Lupoli 410-960-2630 Priority, then text me I have no problems with you texting me at any time Not a priority, then email me slupoli@cse.tamu.edu
Things to do now For 1st lab, create an introduction PPT of yourself Introduce yourself The labs help directly with the projects in this course How labs are Graded and attendance is required Go over lab schedule, notice that the last 3rd is open for projects, but are attendance is still taken and counts for the project grade Let the students know MOST of the labs are flipped (will show video about it later)
Breakup of work We will not determine Work to be completed And when