John Adams The Deuce 1797-1801
Stat Box #1 Name: John Adams…just John, not even Jonathan From: Massachusetts VP: Thomas Jefferson of Virginia Party: Federalist Description: Short and fat. He was usually sick with various colds and allergies. As President, he talked with a lisp because his teeth had fallen out but he refused to wear dentures. Ironically, he lived to be 90, older than any former President until both Carter and Bush Sr. beat him. Personality: He had a great love and compassion for humanity…but he didn’t like people. Fell into frequent depressions. Historians think he may have been manic depressive.
Stat Box #2 Wife: Abigail. A (very) early fighter for expanding the rights of women, including the right to vote. She was a proto-Feminist. Children: Four, three sons and a daughter. Two of the sons were alcoholics who drank themselves to death before age 40. The other son became the 6th President of the United States. Religion: Unitarian. Thought that Jesus was a great moral teacher but not the Son of God. Recreation: Smoked his whole life, starting at age 8. Took five mile daily walks. Had a huge library and could read several languages. Death: 1826. On July 4th, age 90. He died the same day as Thomas Jefferson.
Before He Was President… A lawyer. He defended the British soldiers accused of the Boston Massacre and won. Leader in the Continental Congress from 1774-1777. Fought hard for independence. Ambassador to France, 1778-1788. He didn’t like France…he thought they were too sexual. He didn’t like Ben Franklin for the same reason. Vice President under George Washington.
The Whooped Thomas Jefferson of Virginia. 71 electoral votes to 68. Under the original rules, Jefferson then had to be his Vice President.
What He Done Did XYZ Affair – France tried to bribe the United States into going to war with England. When news got out, Americans were outraged and wanted war against France. Adams managed to cool everything down. Alien and Sedition Acts – Adams tried to punish his enemies with these laws opposing Jefferson’s supporters and freedom of speech. They were repealed after he lost re-election. Fries Rebellion – Farmers in Pennsylvania (again) launched a rebellion against taxes, this time property taxes. Adams had it crushed. New states: None.