Addressing the Intelligence Gaps in Emergency Planning School of Health and Related Research Addressing the Intelligence Gaps in Emergency Planning 1-day seminar jointly presented by ScHARR and the Emergency Planning Society Wednesday 23rd January 2013 Overview Emergency planning has matured considerably in recent years, galvanised by various threats including terrorism and natural events, and the UK is seen as a world leader in this field. However, it has been previously reported that deficiencies in health emergency planning exist and the evidence-base for this is uncertain. This study day will cover the latest research findings from a study funded by the National Institute of Health Research exploring the gaps in the evidence-base for health emergency planning. (Lee et al., 2012) There will also be workshops exploring current emergency planning issues such as Extreme events Building community resilience and the National Decision-making Model Who will benefit from the study day? This study day is jointly organised by the School of Health and Related Research as well as the Yorkshire and the Humber branch of the Emergency Planning Society. This study day will be of interest for Practitioners, including emergency planners and health protection specialists Policy makers, and Academics. in the field of emergency planning, resilience and response wanting to update their knowledge on these key issues Expected outcomes of the study day By the end of this programme participants will have gained: An appreciation of the key gaps in the evidence-base, as well as the need to foster an “intelligence-based” approach to planning and response An understanding of the key issues and lessons learnt from efforts to build community resilience, and adaptation for the consequences of extreme events An understanding of the National Decision-making Model as a tool to assist decision-making by emergency managers in crisis situations. Location Lead organiser The Source Conference Centre Andrew Lee 300 Meadowhall Way Senior Clinical University Tutor in Public Health, ScHARR Sheffield and Consultant in Communicable Disease Control, HPA S9 1EA Bookings Bookings can be made using the form overleaf or @ There is no fee for this event. However. places are limited so book early to avoid disappointment. Further Information If you have any queries, please contact the Short Course Unit Email. Tel. + 44 (0)114 222 2968. Fax. +44 (0)114 272 4095 Booking form >>>
Emergency Planning Application Form: Wednesday 23rd January 2013 Title (Mr/Mrs/Ms/Miss/Dr/Prof): First name: Family Name: Organisation: Position: Email Address: Contact Telephone Number: Signature: Date: Comments: Please return this form to Short Course Unit, ScHARR, Regent Court, 30 Regent Street, SHEFFIELD, S1 4DA or by fax to 0114 272 4095. You can also book online at On receipt of your booking form, we will contact you to confirm your booking. Acceptance is on a first come first served basis and places are limited.