We help you give our warfighters the decisive edge For 300-Level Courses Need a photo (or collage?) or something that transitions to mission statement Think the V22 photos from the n:\ The purpose of this briefing is to provide DAU faculty with a tailorable presentation designed to provide information to Defense Acquisition Workforce members attending resident training 100- and 200-level courses at the Defense Acquisition University. It helps answer the question: “What does DAU have to help me get certified and do my job more effectively?” We help you give our warfighters the decisive edge
Courses…and so much more Gain Acquisition Knowledge and Skills Courses to help you meet certification and continuous learning requirements Find Acquisition Resources to Help You on the Job Online information and tools to help you be more effective in doing everyday tasks at work Receive Assistance Tailored to Your Organization’s Needs Consulting, executive coaching, and customized workshops, all tailored to your organization The Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics (AT&L) Performance Learning Model (PLM) is a visual representation of how the Defense Acquisition University (DAU) fulfills its mission: Provide a global learning environment to develop qualified acquisition, requirements and contingency professionals who deliver and sustain effective and affordable Warfighting capabilities. To provide this global learning environment, DAU delivers the following learning assets to the Defense Acquisition Workforce: training courses continuous learning knowledge sharing mission assistance. As supervisors and work group leaders, our -300 level course students should be very familiar with these learning assets so they can ensure that their personnel are using them to: **maintain their DAWIA certifications **to access information and tools to perform their jobs more effectively **and to obtain DAU mission assistance in the workplace to address organizational acquisition issues
College Of Contract Management (CCM) Mission: Design and deliver DCMA-defined training assets to further develop Agency acquisition professionals who deliver actionable acquisition insight from the factory floor to the front line…around the world. Provide Post Award training that focuses on actual hands-on tasks 41 courses fielded 17 Resident 24 Online Courses Post Award training focus: Contract administration Quality assurance Industrial manufacturing/supply chain Software engineering Earned value management Aircraft operations All CCM online courses are open to non-DCMA Defense Acquisition Workforce members
Defense Systems Management College (DSMC) Mission: Develop, innovate and deliver integrated learning and performance resources to the requirements workforce, international acquisition managers, and executive leaders in the acquisition workforce. Executive-level acquisition courses International acquisition management courses Requirements Management training Acquisition leadership training Executive coaching Mission assistance
Get College Credit for DAU Training More than 150 colleges & universities offer credit for DAU courses toward degrees and certificates “Excel-erate” Your Master’s Degree… Through this program, partner universities are offering the Defense Acquisition Workforce credit toward masters degrees for DAWIA Level II and III certification. http://www.dau.mil/aboutDAU/Lists/StrategicPartnership/ We help you: save time, tuition assistance dollars and out-of-pocket expenses
We Help You Earn “CL” Points Continuous Learning One of the key DAU transformation initiatives was to provide learning assets to the Defense Acquisition Workforce 24/7 to help them do them perform their jobs more effectively The DAU Continuous Learning Center offers online, self-paced Continuous Learning Modules (CLM)—more than 200 in total. These short modules (2-4 hours on average) can be searched to find knowledge needed to address a workplace need. Our workforce members can formally enroll in the module, complete all of the material, and upon successfully completed the assessment at the end of the module earn continuous learning points (CLP), which will help them meet their requirement to earn a total of 80 continuous learning points every two years to maintain their DAWIA certification. In addition to CLMs, the DAU continuous learning webpage provides workforce members access to information on numerous ways to earn CLPs. In presentation mode, the links are active in case you want to connect with the live products on the Web.
Online Tools Help You Excel on the Job Tools & Resources – hundreds of assets at your fingertips with intuitive search Web-enabled guidebooks – take your notes and bookmarks with you. Download and view guidebooks, such as the DAG, on your computer or mobile device Connect with experts and peers – 50+ communities of practice Interactivity – provide feedback and ratings AAP ACQuipedia Communities Glossary Defense Acquisition Guidebook IPS Roadmap Knowledge Repository Online Video Tour
We Keep You Current on Acquisition Professional Development Events Hot Topic Forums Lunch and Learns DAU Training Symposiums Publications Defense AT&L Award-winning publication features experiences & observations of the acquisition community Defense Acquisition Research Journal Peer-reviewed, scholarly journal features acquisition research, lessons learned, & best practices Defense AT&L An award-winning bi-monthly publication featuring articles focused on real people and events that reflect experiences and observations for the Defense Acquisition Workforce Defense Acquisition Research Journal This peer-reviewed scholarly journal captures acquisition research, lessons learned/best practices, tutorials, expert opinion for the Acquisition community In presentation mode, the link is active in case you want to connect with the live product on the Web. https://www.dau.mil/library/defense-atl/ https://www.dau.mil/library/arj/
Professional Development Opportunities The DAU Alumni Association provides a means for continuing professional growth within the defense acquisition community and helps workforce members meet their continuous learning requirements. The Association hosts the annual Acquisition Community Symposium and a number of Hot Topic Forums. You can use this chart to acquaint supervisors and workgroup leaders of the continuing professional development opportunities that these and other professional organizations provide to help meet their continuous learning requirements. www.dauaa.org
Connect with Us…Anywhere, Any Time /DAUNow @DAUNow @DAU_Now /Defense-acquisition-university /defenseacquisitionuniversity www.dau.mil/ /defenseacquisitionuniversity
Helping Your People Earn Their Degrees DAU partners with more than 100 colleges & universities to obtain credit for DAU courses toward degrees and certificates “Excel-erate” Your Master’s Degree… Through this program, partner universities are offering the Defense Acquisition Workforce credit toward masters degrees for DAWIA Level II and III certification. Get College Credit Here DAU has more than 100 strategic partnerships with universities, other governmental agencies, professional associations, and defense industry companies. Of primary interest to our students are our partnerships with universities and colleges. The purpose of these partnerships is to obtain credit for DAU courses towards the degrees and certificates offered by these educational institutions. By obtaining graduate or undergraduate credit for DAU courses, workforce members can earn their degrees more quickly and at lower cost, thereby meeting their DAWIA certification education requirements or enhancing their qualifications for promotion. In addition, some universities also offer DoD students discounted course costs because of these strategic partnerships. In presentation mode, the links are active in case you want to connect with the live products on the Web. Impact: Saves time, tuition assistance dollars and out of pocket expenses 11
How We Can Help Your Organization Short, hands-on training for your teams Applied critical thinking for your program or organization Individual leadership development Consulting MDAPs/non-MDAPS Identifies problems Uses multiple data collection methods Intensive analyses Actionable results Executive Coaching Helps Senior Leaders achieve their Extraordinary Futures Workshops Services Acquisition Workshops Acquisition Program Transition Workshops Program Termination Workshops Systems Engineering Plan Workshops Risk Management Workshops Technology Transition Workshops Source Selection Simulation Acquisition Milestone Reviews Focused on high-level interest areas “Quick learn” venue Tailorable One-on-one Defense Acquisition Executive Overview Workshop (DAEOW) This chart lists the types of mission assistance DAU can provide. You don’t need to go into exhaustive detail on each one. Pick the ones that you think would be most relevant to the class you are teaching. Items that should be of interest to most classes include: **consulting support **ACQ 450 series of classes that can help your students become more effective supervisors and work group leaders **rapid deployment training on latest AT&L policies such as Better Buying Power and the new 5000 series Note: if you get a question about executive coaching, you should let the student know that this resource is typically made available to O6/GS15 and higher who are in very responsible acquisition positions Sets your program up for success Customized for your program http://www.dau.mil/ma
Student Academic Policies & Information Students should visit the Student Policies and Information page at www.dau.mil/training/Pages/studentinformation.aspx for information on: Student Standards of Conduct Violations of the Standards of Conduct Course Enrollment, Extensions, and Walk-ins Disenrollment, Dropping a Course, and Wait Lists Course Prerequisite/Pre-course Work Requirements Student Travel Student Assessment and Evaluation Student Attrition Codes Accommodating Students with Disabilities Transferring Students Between Career Fields (Programs) and from Other Institutions Test Reset Policy and Procedures Student Transcripts, Records Retention, and Disclosure of Student Academic Records (Privacy) Student Complaint/Grievance Procedures Although you covered some essential student policies as part of the course introduction on Day 1, this chart is an excellent listing of all the resources available to the student on www.dau.mil. In presentation mode, each of the areas is active and links to the DAU homepage. The highlight box at the bottom of the chart is a requirement of our Council on Occupational Education (COE) accreditation status, so please make sure you show this chart. DAU encourages students who have a concern or issue with the learning environment to discuss it with their instructor. Students who feel their issue is not resolved satisfactorily may go to the department chair/site manager or Regional Associate Dean for Academics.
DAU helps you give our warfighters the decisive edge This is the “get off the stage” chart for this presentation. It emphasizes that DAU training is important because it: helps Defense Acquisition Workforce members achieve DAWIA certification more importantly, DAU training helps workforce members do their acquisition jobs more effectively so they can provide the best products and services cost-effectively and on-time to our ultimate customer: the Warfighter. DAU helps you give our warfighters the decisive edge