A J Dupree Copyrights Better Communication ubbles orever lowing
Swallowing is a natural event that most folks enjoy without thought Swallowing is a natural event that most folks enjoy without thought. This is because it comes so easy. Folks with difficulties swallowing need proper care in order to recover. Difficulties with swallowing can lead to a disease called "dysphagia".
Dysphagia is a disease the occurs when too much of food and liquid travel down the wrong way. Food and liquid normally travel to the stomach via the esophagus. During dysphagia, food and/or liquids are aspirated. This means food and/or liquids travel to the lungs. Most folks with dysphagia have had other illnesses that have compromised the parts of the mouth and throat that are responsible for swallowing.
Dysphagia symptoms can include coughing during meals, excessive drooling, inability to keep food in the mouth when eating, and an inability to chew food properly. Some folks appear to be choking on meals frequently. Dysphagia can also include aspiration pneumonia which has flu like symptoms.
When caring for dysphagia, patients are recommended the use of strategies to improve the likelihood of good swallowing. These strategies include the following: Sitting in a chair during all meals. Sitting up for an hour after meals. Decrease talking during meals. Alternate bites and sips during meals. Take small bites and sips during meals. Regularly engage in exercises involving the mouth and throat.
Dysphagia is a disease related to which of the following? Talking Digesting Swallowing Learning
Symptoms of dysphagia do NOt include… Coughing Food leakage Blinking Drooling
Food and / or liquids travel to the lungs. Aspiration means what? Food and / or liquids travel to the lungs. Food and/ or liquids travel to the stomach. Food and / or liquids are cooked poorly. Food and/ or liquids taste good.
Complete the sentence: Many folks with dysphagia … sleep a lot. have other illnesses. have trouble sleeping. vomit a lot.
Ways to swallow better do NOT include … taking small bites and sips talking during meals doing exercises for the mouth doing exercises for the throat
Sitting in a chair during meals … is a good swallow strategy. is not a swallow strategy. can't help a swallow pattern. is not recommended.
Dysphagia is a … Cough Disease Strategy Plan
Aspiration pneumonia has flu like symptoms. True False
Aspiration pneumonia can result from untreated dysphagia. True False
Patient can recover from dysphagia symptoms. True False
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